So it Begins

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NOTIFICATION: There will be gore in this chapter

Chapter I

My feet slam upon the ground as I'm chased down a path. My breath grows heavier and heavier while I ceaselessly sprint away from my pursuer. Running wasn't always my favorite thing to do, but in these types of situations I had no other choice. I kept placing each foot in front of the other. I made a fatal mistake by glancing behind me. In that instant I tripped over my own feet and came crashing down to the ground. My face slammed into the dirt and my body skidded across the ground. I spit the earth out of my mouth and looked down at my dusty clothes. Mom was going to be pissed that I got grass stains all over my shirt.

I gasped and curled up as my enemy approached. I covered my head with my hands and inhaled sharply. The only thing that came was a simple poke to my side and a loud, "YOU'RE IT!" I laughed and scampered up to see my best friend, Aiden.

Aiden Easton has been my closest friend since I can remember. We've lived in a small, secluded village inside of wall Maria. We were west of the outlying district of Chlorba on wall Rose. This was my birthplace, my home, and my life. Everything was perfect in my opinion. I had no regrets or painful memories. I just played all day under the sun with my younger brother; Peter. Aiden would occasionally join in on the fun.

Peter was only three years younger than me. We were close, but like all siblings we have our moments. We lived in our humble home with our mother most of the time. Our father came to visit here and there. He mostly spent his time inside of wall Sina since he was part of the Military Police. He kept us together and was always an inspiration to my family. He was the reason for our growing curiosity for the outside realm. I admired him more than anyone.

"Aiden that's not fair! I tripped and you know it!" I crossed my arms and tried my hardest to give him my angriest look. It didn't exactly work since I was laughing so much. "There is no rule against your own clumsy mistakes (Y/N)!" He gave me his toothy, stupid grin. He was missing a front tooth. I had accidentally knocked it out earlier this week.

I looked away from him and mumbled to myself, "I'm not clumsy." Aiden chuckled. "What was that? You're not clumsy?!" I smiled slightly and punched him in the arm. "Okay, okay! Only a little bit!" We both laughed and saw Peter running up. "Both of you...are way for me." He managed to complain between breathes. He plopped to the ground and patted the dirt path next to us. It was a signal for us to sit beside him; so we did.

With Peter between Aiden and I, we sat there and talked. "I saw your dad rode in this morning." Aiden announced. I was pulling at the grass and twisting it between my fingers. "Yep! It's been awhile since he's been home." Peter lays back in the grass and chimes in, "I think it's been about 4 months. How long do you think he'll stay this time?" I ponder at the question for a bit while chewing on the side of my cheek. Finally, I speak up after a minute or so, "I would assume three days at most." Peter sighs at the response.

Aiden looks between the both of us and scratches the back of his head. That's his tell that he is thinking. "What?" He says to me. I guess he noticed me staring. I look away from his brooding expression and up towards the sky, "What are you thinking about?" He looks up as well and squints his eyes. "Well...if your dad is only staying for a short amount of time I would assume you would want to spend it with him instead of me." Both Peter and I glance over at Aiden. Peter grabs his arm and shakes it playfully. "Come on Aiden. You know you're just as important." Aiden shrugs and leans forward with a sigh. "I guess." I throw the grass in my hand at him. "Stop your insecurity. We love you like family. You're just like a brother to us."

Peter blinks at me, "Well if he's a brother too...then who is the best brother?" I inhale and pause before answering, "Well you see-" I'm cut off as the ground rumbles. All of us grab onto each other. "What was that?" Peter squeaks out. "An earthquake I suppose." Aiden responds. I look around before nodding my head in agreement. "It's nothing to worry-" It happens again. Peter starts to shake a bit. "Do earthquakes usually happen twice?" In my mind it could only be an aftershock, but something seemed out of place.

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