Half Naked Boys. Awkward...

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Hello! So I worked on this chapter really hard, and really enjoyed it! I'm planning on there only being about 3-4 more chaters left on this story, and there may be a sequel. Let me know if you would like one. Anyways so this was 935 words, which is the most I have written, so enjoy and give me feedback!


2 weeks later I was woken up to the sound of Liam shouting.

“No! She can’t! You can’t make her! I’ll just do it! She doesn’t need to!” I heard him call. He sighed and then stopped talking, and I heard him pacing around the room. I walked down the stairs and knocked on his door.

“Liam.” I spoke softly. He opened the door and frowned.

“Did I wake you up?” He asked. I was about to nod but shook my head so he didn’t get any more upset.

“What’s the matter? I heard you shouting.” I asked

“Don’t get upset, they can’t make you do anything.” I nodded and he continued.

“The boys and I have an interview tomorrow at like 6, and management are saying you have to come as well.” He sighed. I frowned slightly and shrugged.

“Oh well.” Liam smiled and gave me hug.

“Go get a good sleep, we’ve got to be up in 5 hours.” He smiled at me and I smiled back before going up to my room and falling asleep as my head hit the pillow.


I woke up to someone shaking me.

“What?” I groaned, burying my head in my pillow. I heard someone sigh and pick me up. I ignored this and snuggled my face in their chest, falling back to sleep.

When I woke up I was greeted by Louis smiling.

“Where are we?” I asked him.

“Backstage, we’re getting stylists to make you look pretty, so chop chop, get up!” He ‘sasssed’ and I got up and was worked on.


When I had been finished prodding and pulling on, I had been put into a black pencil skirt that stretched over my stomach and a black and white Aztec top. I then had a denim top to go over that, and on my feet I just had some plain white ballet shoes. For my hair they curled the ends and left it free, but scooped it back with a gold leaf headband so it wasn’t in my face. They then coated me in makeup and I was ready to go on. Currently we were standing backstage waiting for the interviewer to call us on.

“We are just a few minutes away from meeting One Direction and their special guest, so don’t change the channel and we’ll see you in a bit.”  She said, sending a smile towards the cameras. We were told come on and we were met with a studio full of cameras and technical people. I started to breath heavily and Liam grabbed my hand.

“Okay, so we want Liam on the end of the sofa, and then have Rowan next to him and Niall on the other side. Then at the back on the stools have Harry, Zayn and Louis.” One of the crew members asked. We all went and sat were told and Liam placed his arm behind my back, still holding my hand, but so that no one was able to see and could make rumours.

“3..2” The camera man signalled, and the interview started.

“Welcome back everyone, we’re back with One Direction and their special guest Rowan Duhglas. Morning everyone.” She smiled at us all and we smiled back.

“So, tell us Rowan, what’s it like living with 5 teenage boys?” The interviewer asked me first. I clenched onto Liam’s hand a bit more.

“U-um, yea, it’s alright.” I told her, she nodded and asked the normal.

“So, boys, when will you start your next tour?” she asked.

“In a few months, once everything has been sorted out with Rowan.” Harry said and the interviewer nodded.

“When are you due to give birth, Rowan?” I was asked.

“In a month and half, so not long.” I smiled at her.

“Wow! It seems like only weeks ago we heard about you.” She smiled and I smiled back.

“Do we know about the baby daddy yet or is that still a mystery.” She asked again.

I looked over to Liam and he smiled. I took a deep breath but then someone behind the camera started vigorously shaking their head. I got slightly confused but guessed it was a signal not to tell so I replied with a simple no. The interview continued on, and was soon over. We walked off backstage whilst the show ended and I took a deep breath and walked quickly into the changing room. I grabbed my pyjamas I had come into, which weren’t too bad, just a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt, and went into the bathroom, getting changed into them and then wiping off all the makeup. I removed the headband in my hair and then folded up my clothes neatly and walked out to see Liam, Zayn and Niall walking around topless, Harry in his underwear and Louis fully clothed and ready like me.

“Um, sorry.” I blushed, staring down at the ground. I placed my clothes on the sofa and sat down. Just as I was about to get my phone out my eyes landed on Liam’s stomach.

Pull away Rowan.

Pull away.

Pull aw-

“Enjoying that?” Louis smirked.

“No- wait what- no?” I replied, before blushing and clicking on fruit ninja, satisfying myself playing it.

Just as I was about to beat my highest score, I got a text message from Harry.

From: Harry

You know you enjoyed walking out to see us all basically naked. You just lived every girl’s fantasy. X

To: Harry

Stop Lying Harold. X

Once everyone was changed we all rove back home and decided on watching a few more movies until bed.

My Baby Daddy [One Direction FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now