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Once we got home Andrew opened my door and I got out of the car and into the house once I walked into the house I stood inside waiting for Andrew to come inside as I crossed my arms across my chest and my foot tapping rapidly against the tile floor.

Andrew closed the door behind him and locking it. He turned around facing me slowly.

"Would you explain why you joined?" I said angrily.

'For you. I wanted to be strong I could protect you in every situation.' Andrew said softly.

'Andrew you could die in missions! What were you thinking? Whay if you die on me? What if I wake up to see that my fiance is missing!' I yelled throwing my hands in the air.

'You did too! You think that I'm not afraid everyday for you? Because anyday you could never come back! You too could die on me!' You almost died on me and I couldn't feel you for 6 fucken months!' Andrew said yelling making me uncross my arms and walk up to him.

'I'm sorry. I really am.' I said hugging him tightly.

'I know. I'm sorry too. Atleast we will die together. Side by side.'

'Yeah. Now lets go take off this dress. I didnt see you for 6 months now.' I said kissing him as i ran up the stairs with him chasing behind me.

He took off his clothes as we ran in the room. We kissed until there was no clothes between us. It was only skin on skin.

That night we made unforgettable love.


"Come on do your best Cupcake." Andrew said holding onto my hand.

'Andrew I fucken hate you! You did this to me!!!' I screamed as I pushed one more time.

Baby screams silenced us as I rolled my head back with relief.

The doctors handed me my baby daughter.

They wheeled me into my room as I rested there with Andrew holding my baby.

"Mommy is that my bwaby Swister?" Tristan my 4 year old son asked.

'Yes Baby. She is.' I said as he peeked trying to see his baby sisters face. Andrew picked him up and he looked at his sister Hazel.

"Poppa take her back!" He said hiding in Andrews chest cobering his face.

Andrew laughed.

"Tristan we can't do that anymore. But at least you have someone to play with." Andrew said as Tristan looked at me and then at baby Hazel.

'Weally?' He asked as Andrew and I laughed.

'Yes baby.' I said as we all hugged.


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