Finishing Unfinished Business

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×Andrew's P.O.V×

Ever since i joined the Agency.  Agent Oss assigned me to Garen for Rosaline. Agent Oss told me thag she had a special position for Rosaline.

Garen and I watched Sarah Williams and the General for the past few months, but today was different.

Today The General's baby was born. Garen and I watched Sarah in the hospital.

Sarah walked into a patient's room as we stood discreetly a few feet away.

'I bet you that she will try to kill the wife and take the baby.' Garen said looking at me.

'Nah i think that she will only try to kidnap the baby.' I said looking at him and back at the door.

'Ohh you want to bet on that?' He said opening his hand out toward me.

'Yeah i bet you 100 dollars and a 100 cookies that km right.' I said smirking.

'Deal.' He said as i shook his hand. We then stood back against the wall and watched as Sarah walked out of the room and into the nursery. As for I smirked and looked at Garen.

'Oh come on!' Garen said making a deep frown making me laugh.

'Shut up.  You could give it to me later but for now lets go watch this nutjob.'i said as i walked next to Garen and toward where Sarah was at.

She held the Generals baby in her arms and then putting on her huge jacket on her hiding the baby against her chest. She then tried to walk out but Garen pulled out his gun and pointed it toward her.

"Sarah give us the baby.  NOW!" Garen said as she handed the small cute baby to me. Garen then handcuffed Sarah making nurses, doctors and visitors turn there heads at the scene. The policemen took her away from us and the General showed up calling frantically for his baby.

I handed him his baby as he smiled cradling his daughter in his arms.

I watched how the smile crept onto his face as he held his daughter.

"Um General... i was wondering if i could hold your daughter?" I said nervously.

'Sure Andrew.  You drop her i will make sure it is the last breath you take' he sais as he handed me her in my arms slowly.

I looked at the fragile baby in my arms. She is so cute and how her tiny hands. It made me smile on her small gurgles.

"You want a kid don't you?" General asked me.

'I'm only 18. I can't have kids this young.' I said as i caressed his daughter's face softly.

'I know but would you want a kkd eventually?' Hs asked making me smile in thought of having a baby with Rosaline.

'Yeah i would with Rosaline.' I said smiling and passing him back his child.

'Of course. Agent Andrew and Agent Rosaline. I remember how i met her the first time. She is a flame, she's really smart, and witty.' He said making me laugh.

'Yeah i know. Want to visit her?' I asked him. He looked at his daughter and back at me.

'I would love to.' He said as he walked with me to Rosalines room. We walked into her room.

'Well here lies my beautiful Rosaline.' I said walking over to her and kissing her forhead and holding onto her hand.

'The ring?'he asked.

'Oh today's our 8 month anniversary and well once she wakes up i would like her to be my fiance.' I said caressing the back of ber hand.

'That's great . I'm happy for you two.' General said making me smile.

'Yeah i just hope once she sees that ring she'll say Yes.' I said looking at me laughing he then joined me but we stopped abruptly.

"Yes, I do." We heard as we looked at Rosalines open eyes and bright smile.

"Well I'd love to marry you." She said smiling. I stepped closer to her and kissed her so damn fast. I kissed her as if i was choking and she was my air. The feeling of her lips reciprocating with mine was surreal. It was a dream come true.

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