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I sat in Tina's car, a 2010 red Chevy Camero, as we sat in front of the group building.  She rubbed my shoulder, and I looked over at her."  I'll be waiting for you when it's over."  She kissed my cheek, and I got out of the car.  She drove off to the library where she was going to get some books for the two of us, and I waved bye.  I pulled my sleeves up to my elbow, and walked in.  First person I saw was El, and she embraced me at first sight."  It's only been a week, and you've changed."  She said touching my hair.  She hugged me some more, and I saw the others smiling at me."  It's been a while since I've seen that gorgeous face."  Ruth said, slapping my cheek playfully.  I rolled my eyes, and blushed.  Steve was sitting on a long couch next to some people I didn't know.  Red was standing in the corner with another person I didn't know, and there were two other people I didn't know."  Alright guys, lets get in the circle."  We all sat in the circle of couches, with me sitting in between Red and Steve.

El looked around as the silence grew, and she smiled."  Who's the newbie?"  A guy with bright green hair asked, and I looked over at me."  Jerliko."  I said, not letting anyone else find out about my nickname."  Well, I'm Marshal.  Ex-Bullimic."  I drank some water, and the people I didn't know introduced themselves.  The girl who was hanging out with Red was Terry, who was also an OCD like Red.  The kids that were sitting next to Steve was Gary, an anorexic.  Then the other two were twins, Tuck and Buck.  Both of them were suicidal, now just fight with each a lot."  Tuck, stop messing with Buck!"  El shouted, and they stopped.

"Now, what have you guys been doing since you've gotten out?  Louie?"  Louie looked over at me, then at El."  I'm trying to look for a place for after high school, then I'll be going to a cooking school so I can become a chef.  Plus, I did see Jer at the grocery store."  I smiled at him, and he smiled back."  Jerliko, what have you been doing?"  El asked, and I shrugged."  I've been talking with Mary a lot, and she's still trying to get her Guardian will move out here.  Plus, I'm dating someone."  I said, and Ruth whistled."  Who swept you off your feet love bird?"

"Um..Tina?"  I said, and Ruth seemed impressed."  Wow, got your maid as your girl.  Impressive, don't think I would ever get to do that."  Steve glared over at her, and she smiled."  I thought we were dating?"  He asked, and she smiled."  We are, I meant before I met you.  I tried to date my butler Bradley, he was some hunk.  But he was married, so I didn't get to do that.  But, I did find someone who gave me respect."  Steve blushed, and Ruth giggled a bit.  Red was silent, she didn't speak."  My Gran died."  She said as we all started leaving."  She was only fifty, died of a heart attack."  I felt bad for her, and I put my hand on her shoulder."  She's your Geist-Führer."  I said, and she looked confused."  What the hell is that?"  She asked, and I smiled."  It's your Spirit Guide, like my Gran.  She died when I was eight, and my Grandfather told me she was now my Spirit Guide.  To show me right from wrong."  Red smiled at that, and kissed my cheek."  Your a great pal Jer."  She then left me in front of Tina's car, and walked away in the night.

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