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Over the past few days, I've been very excited to get out of the hospital.  But I've also been sad, because I'll be separated from Mary and El.  El said she would be coming to the groups with us, and would watch after us all.  I was happy about that, but was upset about Mary still.  I stood by the window as I watched the sun start to rise, and took a deep breathe.  I walked out of my room before I was suppose to, and walked to the meeting area.  Nobody there, which was why I left extra early.  I wanted to watch one of my shows, that no one else could watch.  I've been doing this for about three days now, because I felt homesick almost.  It was a German show about Murder and solving the crime.  The detective was a famous German actor from the 90's, and it was only reruns now since he died from cancer in 06.  I sat on the middle couch with my feet up watching it, enjoying every second I had to watch it.

I was so much into the show, that I didn't realize that someone was behind me.  I saw El walk from behind the couch, and sat down next to me."  You got up early for this?"  She asked, and I nodded.  She couldn't understand what they were saying, so I translated for her."  Wow, how do you know this so well?"

"When my parents left me alone with Tina, we would watch this on the TV.  Mother never enjoyed crime shows, so we never watched it when she was there.  Tina and I watched it everyday of the week, it was my escape from the real world.  When the main character died in real life, they only played reruns.  But they're still fun to watch.  I could watch this show for days."  El smiled and rubbed my shoulder.  Once the marathon was over, El asked me a few questions."  So, do you watch this show when you're depressed?"

"Yeah, I put it on replay when I'm on my favorite episode.  I'm really just trying to find someone like me, someone who enjoys the things I enjoy.  And they don't care that I'm German."

"Well, I care about you.  And I don't care about that you're German."  I rolled my eyes, and she smiled."  Blue."  She said, and I looked over at her."  What?"

"My favorite color is blue, and I'm afraid of spiders."  I smiled, and looked at the floor."  I like aqua green, and also I'm afraid of closed spaces."  El smiled at me, and put her arm around my shoulders."  People like you are amazing people."  She said, and I smiled.  We sat there quietly, and watched another show.  

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