Last Day

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I woke up on the day that was my full last day here, and I smiled.  I knew it was sad that I was leaving everyone, but I was still going to see them after this.  We were going to meet up after this, every day I hope.  I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and brushed my hair.  Mary was leaving today, because her flight was tonight.  El said she had a surprise for us both, and we followed up to the elevator.  We went up to the top floor, and were walking up a flight of stairs.  She opened the door at the top, and we were on the roof."  I got access up here for you two for the day until Mary leaves, enjoy!"  She left us up there, and I couldn't believe the view. 

You could see the entire city from up there, and the clouds made it so the sun was beaming in our eyes.  It was amazing up there with the wind blowing, even though there was a fence around the edge of the roof.  I wrapped my fingers around a hole in the fence, and took a deep breathe of fresh air."  See down there, it's all polluted air.  But up here, it's fresh clean air.  Nothing is toxic up here."  I said, and Mary stood by me."  I don't want to leave."  She said, and hugged me around the waist.  I got on my knees, and looked at her in the eyes."  I know you don't, and I don't want you to leave either.  But sometimes we can't do anything to stop things.  I'll give you my number, text you everyday, call you even if you want.   We'll email, we'll Skype.  I don't care Mary, I'm not losing you.  You are my little star."  She smiled at me, and hugged me around the neck.

Once we got back onto our floor, Mary called her friends who were picking her up."  Yeah, I miss you guys too.  But, I was wondering something.  Could I...could we come live here.  I know it's a big move and all, but I have new friends here.  Yes, actual friends.  I promise you, please?  Okay, that's great!"  She put the phone down and smiled up at me."  He said he's think about it."  I smiled down at her, and rubbed her shoulder.  I watched as she got her clothes, and she hugged me carefully."  So, I'll text you when I get out?"  I said trying to make the mood happier.  She smiled, but it quickly went away."  I love you Jerliko."   She said, and I smiled."  Mary, can I tell you my nickname?  Not the nickname from the bullies, but the one my friend in Germany use to call me?" 

Mary looked confused, then down at the floor."  Sure, if you would like to.  Is it one that's very secretive?"  She asked, and I nodded."  Not even my parents know about it, just my friend and me.  And it would be amazing if you called me it instead of Jerliko.  Because Jerliko is the old me, and this is the new me."  She looked down, then smiled at herself.  "I will call you this nickname if it makes you happy."  She said, and I smiled.

"Call me Hawk."

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