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I woke up to see the sun rising from the tiny window in my room. I sat up again, with less pain coming from my stomach and throat. The stomach pump thing much hurt like a bitch if your awake when they do it. I got out of bed, and walked to the shower. I pulled off my clothes, and got in the shower. I washed off all the dirt and sweat from yesterday, and cleaned my hair. It was a bit longer, and my chin had some stubble on it. I put my clothes back on after my shower, and pulled the curtains back. My room had only one bed it in, and the other part of it was bare. I kept the curtain open, and walked out of the room. I rolled my sleeves up to my elbows, and slowly walked through the hallway in my new socks I found on my bed after my shower. I walked down the hallway slowly, and saw some nurses staring at me. El came over to me, and smiled as she placed her arm around my shoulders." It's okay Jerliko, they're just getting a good look at you."

"For what?" I asked, my voice a little better from yesterday." Well, they did meet your Mother. Plus you do know how your mother acts right?" I nodded, and she lead me into the meeting room. There were five other people, making six with me, sitting in there watching TV on three couches. There were two Anorexics, one bulimic, one other suicidal, and one OCD victim." Hey guys, this is Jerliko. He's the new guy, so be nice to him. I'll be back to get you guys for lunch, and group is at ten. Bye." She let go of me, and left. I stood there awkwardly, and stared down at my shoes." Come on over Jericho." The Bulimic guy said, he looked pretty normal besides the bandages around his knuckles." She said Jerliko you idiot." The Anorexic girl said, she looked like a toothpick under her sweats and tank top. I slowly walked over to the couches, and sat as far away from them as I could." You speak English toothpick?" The Anorexic girl asked, and I looked over at her. She had her blonde hair in a pony tail, and she had dark green eyes like me." Yes, I speak English."

"Woah, killer accent bro." The Bulimic said, and I pulled my legs up onto the couch. The other suicidal scooted closer to me, she smiled at me. She was younger than me, maybe five years. She had brown creamy hair, and the most amazing hazel eyes. She had on sweat pants, and a long sleeved shirt. She had the sleeves rolled up a bit, and her wrists were bandaged." Jerliko? Is that a German name?" I nodded, surprised she knew it was German." My Dad taught me German when I was little, it's wired into my brain now." I smiled at her, and she smiled back. The other Anorexic was leaning up against the girl, he had a bit more meat on his bones than her." So what id you do?" He asked, scratching the side of his face." Let me guess, you used the pills?" The Bulimic asked, and I nodded." Don't worry, Dr. Blueballs always gets his answers out of us. I'm Louie by the way." The Bulimic said, and I nodded at him. The two Anorexics were Ruth and Steve, they were the couple of the group. The other suicidal smiled at me, and shivered a bit at the cold." I'm Mary." I shook her hand, and looked over at the OCD patient." I'm...called Red around here. I like red things, so that's what they call me. I wonder if I'll get in trouble if I organized that bookshelf?" The others laughed, and another person walked in. It was one of those big body guards with the completely white uniform.

"Group guys, I'm suppose to bring the new kid to introduce him to things." I felt nervous because of him, and he touched my shoulder. I screamed, and fell off the couch. I pushed myself up against the wall, and push my hands up against my ears." NO! PLEASE TERRY, NO MORE!" I screamed, and started crying. I felt hands on me, and started screaming again." It's okay Jerliko, it's El. It's El!" I looked up at her, my arms shaking as they clutch the sides of my head. She slowly put her hands onto my wrists, and pulled my arms down from my ears." It's okay Mike, I'll take him." Mike the Guard nodded, and looked concerned at me as he left. El helped me up to my feet, and we walked with the guys to Group. There were all sitting there already, looking sad up at me. El sat me down next to Mary and Red, and Mary rubbed my forearm under the table. She gave me a warm smile, and I just looked down at the table." Sorry Dr. Robert, we just had a little problem. You going to be okay?" El asked me, and I nodded." Okay, I'll see you at lunch." She squeezed my shoulder, then left me being stare at by everyone.

The doctor was very thin, but not like Ruth or Steve. He had black hair and brown eyes, with tanned skin of a Mexican. He stared at me with a small smile, one that has been rehearsed for years I guess. Mary continued to rub my forearm, and I shivered a bit at all the people staring at me." Everyone, welcome Jerliko to this group." Everyone said hi to me, and I continued to look down at the table. I was embarrassed at how I reacted to my shoulder being touched, and they saw what two years of bullying does to me. I felt so weak." Now," Said Dr. Robert while clearing his throat," let's get this ball rolling."

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