Blast into the Past

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Fifth day here, and I'm starting to get back into being normal around here.  I woke up around eight by Mary shaking me."  Come on, breakfasts is ready!  Plus, group is early today because Steve is leaving today."  That was kind of upsetting, I liked Steve.  But at least he was thinking healthy now, and he was going to be a healthy weight now.  Breakfast was Oatmeal with a bowl of fruit.  It was difficult to eat with a spoon, and the blueberries kept falling off of my spoon." Gott Verdammt!"  (God Dammit!)  I said, and dropped my spoon.  Mary was laughing really hard, and almost had milk coming out of her nose."  Oh my gosh, I can't believe you said that!"  She said, and covered her mouth to try to stop laughing.  The others didn't understand, which was a good thing.

After another hour of laugh and giggles, it was time for group.  Dr. Robert was sitting there, and Ruth had red eyes from crying.  Steve was hugging her around the shoulders, and smiling at her."  So as everyone knows by now, Steve is leaving today.  But that doesn't mean you guys won't be able to see each other after you leave.  I shouldn't be talking about this right now, but I think it's time I tell you about it.  After you guys leave, there is a meeting group that take place everyday at six.  It's with everyone who wants to keep in touch with their group.  Would you guys be interested?"  We all looked at each other, and nodded."  We like each other, these are the only people who are our friends."  Louie said, and we all nodded."  So you all sign up?"  We all nodded, and Dr. Robert smiled.

"Now today, I want all to shut your eyes.  And I want you to think about your happiest memory, just one thing that was happy to you."  I shut my eyes, and tried to think of anything happy.  Nothing came to my mind, then it was if it was a bright light glaring at me."  Jerliko, why don't you go first."  Dr. Robert said, and I opened my eyes."  I'm not even sure if it's real."

"It's okay, just tell us."  I looked around the table for a minute, then back over to the doctor."  It was when I was very young, maybe four or five.  A giant storm was raging outside, and I don't like storms.  So I had gone to my parents bedroom, and woke up my mother.  She let me sleep in their bed with them, and she hugged me tightly."  Dr. Robert smiled, but I didn't smile back.  Because there was more to the story.  I had woken her up, and she looked concerned." Jerliko, was ist denn los Schatz?"  (Jerliko, what's the matter sweetheart?)  I had pointed outside of the window, and she let me crawl into bed.

I smiled at the thought now, and rubbed my arms a bit.  I listened somewhat  to the others, and clawed at the table a little."  I remember my father teaching me German, that was a happy time."  Mary said, and I smiled over at her.  After group, I was really happy.  It was calming to let out some memories, it was releasing some pressure off my chest.  I walked with the others to the meeting area, and we sat down on the couches."  So, you guys really thinking about joining that group?"  I asked them, and they looked up.  Steve was already gone, but Ruth seemed okay about that."  Of course, we could be the weird group of kids people talk about.  Who gives a shit!"  Louie said, and we all laughed."  I would like that, if I can bring some red Skittles."  Red said, and we agreed that she could.

"I feel bad, because I won't be able to."  Mary said, and we all felt bad."  Hey, we can skype and stuff like that."  I said, and she smiled."  I could try, but what if we forget each other?"

"How can we forget about each other.  Six crazy's like us would never forget each other, we're all we got."  We all agreed, and started laughing.  El came in to get us for lunch, but told me I had another visitor."  Who is it?"  I asked, and she said she could say."  It's a surprise, for you to find out."  I then followed her to my room.

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