Chapter Twenty Nine

Comincia dall'inizio

She took my hand and let me sit on the grassy field as she positioned her violin on her neck gracefully.

Her expression turned serious and she closed her eyes.

I grabbed my phone and took several pictures of her before she played.

She stroke every note perfectly.

I always thought that she was just too confident enough to train with us.

Turns out, even a perfection like her needs practice from time to time.

What amazes me more, was the fact that she memorized her piece.

With the last stroke, I couldn't help but give her a standing ovation which made her blush.

"Thanks Natsu, for hearing it out." She whispered softly and I beamed brightly at her.

"I'd listen to it anytime!" I say grinning from ear to ear.

What she didn't know was I recorded her piece.

-Time skip: Saturday-

For the first time after a long time, I stayed at my real home.

I miss Lucy!

Zeref-nii called me, letting me know that Dad will be staying with us before Christmas.

Nii-san wanted to bond the whole day yesterday, so we did.

I looked at my watch and noticed that I only have 2 hours to prepare for the Halloween party.

I stood up, excited to see my Lucy once again and prepared for the party.

Looking completely satisfied, I walked out of the house wearing a devil costume then boarded my car.

I went straight to school since Lucy texted me to meet up in school for the practice.

I marched towards the music room and found my Lucy's not here yet.

Erza reserved the music room for our group.

Erza, Gajeel and Levy were there, but there were no sign of droopy eyes and my best friend.

When students try to get materials from the room, Erza would allow them 5 minutes to fetch whatever they needed and shut the door closed after.

I sat with them annoyed.

If I only knew, I would have fetched her at her home!

I started to look around the music room as we wait for the remaining members.

Erza surprised me by wearing a fairy costume.

Gajeel wore a mummy outfit

Levy sported a witch get-up.

Erza begun panicking as Gray and Lucy aren't here for the rehearsal yet.

Gray finally walked in with a zombie costume and I laughed.

"Gray, you didn't need any costume for that!" I teased, earning a death glare from him.

"Okay, let's practice while waiting for Lucy. I'm sure she can handle her piece just fine." Erza ordered.

"Levy and Gajeel, you both have your princess and other costumes prepared, right?" Erza asked and they both nodded.

"Wear them. Now." Erza commanded.

"H-Hai!" they both jolted in unison.

We were now practicing our pieces and we only have 45 minutes left before we perform.

The promise made but never kept Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora