Chapter 37

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Pan looks away, terrified. I stand there, as the person who should be able to help him most, unknowing what to do.


"No, don't say anything." He cuts me off and I take a step back at his harsh attitude. I turn around before looking at Alex.

"He's all yours. " I whisper sadly into his ear. Alex sighs and nods before I walk away. I decide not to walk to Pan's hut where I have been staying, I instead walk into the forest. I walk and walk until I finally reach the waterfall. The place I hold dearest in my heart.

I listen to the sounds that help relax me. First the sound of the water. The rushing sound soothes my sour attitude. The splash it makes when I hits the bottom warms me for an unknown reason.

I then hear the wisp of the wind. The way it hits the trees, making the levels crunch and fly to the floor. Or the way the wind carries some of those leaves far into the distance and over my head.

But my favorite sound has to be the buzz in the air. The buzz from the little bugs that fly through the air. The crackling of a fire a bit away, in the clearing. There are a million things in the air that make me happy.

I lack my back down on the soft and dewy grass. My hands play with the strands of grass that poke up from the soil of Neverland. When I open my eyes and look up, I see the stars that beautifully drape the sky like I've seen them a million times.

This is all too familiar.

I need to get out and find something different. Find something new and exciting. Something else I can love.

I stretch my legs out to stand and say one last goodbye to the water fall. I head out a bit further from the clearing, just walking.

I take in all my surroundings while smiling. All the trees have their own engravings of bark. Each fallen leaf shares a new color of autumn and each hanging leaf shows a different color of life.

I seem to walk for a while before I find a small gap, high in the sky, in the trees. It's just small enough for me to sit on the fresh dirt and look above at the rest of the world.

The stars seem the same, but twinkle at a different angle, and I love it.

So, I let my self sit there for what seems to be hours. Until I slowly drift off to sleep in the night. My hands clasp together as a pillow under my head and my legs curl up to the rest of my body.

I don't mean to fall asleep, and I don't really mean to be out that long, and I guess that's why I wake up unhappy.

When my eyes open, the sky is still dark, but the Neverland sun is peeking its way up. When I look up, inspect to the see the beautiful stars, but no. Instead I'm met with the wicked face of Pan.

"Where have you been?" He begins yelling and I already know this is going to end badly. "I have been searching everywhere for you, only to see you've come to some random place in the forest!" He rolls his eyes and I just want to go back to bed.

"Yeah, and?" I ask with a lot of sass.

"And I was worried!"

"Well I needed to clear my mind since I obviously couldn't talk to you!" I yell back and he definitely did not expect that coming.

"Come back to camp Aria." He says, now a bit more softly but I'm still a bit mad.

"No." I spit and Pan looks confused. "I think I'll sleep out here tonight."

Pan looks at me, astonished and I give him a sour face. "Aria, you're coming back to camp. End of story."

"No." And I turn into my side, away from him. Just when I thought that's the end of that, Pan lifts me over his shoulder and starts walking back to camp.

I thrash and thrash on Pan's back but it's no use, Pan's strong grip holds me firm as he strides back to camp.

Once we're there, I see that the boys have all gotten to bed, and it's just Pan and I standing there. I, standing with my arms crossed over my chest, a little pissed.

"You're welcome." He bows mockingly and I roll my eyes as he begins walking back to his hut and I walk to mine. I notice he looks a bit confused when he notices I'm not following him.

Once I enter my hut, I give Pan one last smug look before slamming the door.

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