Chapter 14

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Last night was, wow.

I mean it was only kissing, but Pan was so intense.

He went back to his hut after our little session, and honestly, I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. The way he fills me with fire. The way he can make my heart race and stop. The way he makes me wonder.

This time had to mean something. After everything that he said and everything that has happened.

But how could I know?

I wake up with an actual smile on my face. I'm actually excited to begin a new day.

Once I'm ready, I run outside and see the boys all smiling at me. I smile back and we begin our day.

We finish eating and the boys suggest we go fishing or cave diving and I tell them that'd be great. They start off their journey to the lake and I tell them that I'll catch up.

Once the boys exit the clearing, I turn to talk to Pan who has not yet exited his hut.

My knuckles wrap on the door, creating a loud booming sound. I wait with my hands to my sides for him to answer.

I'm finally met with the creek of the door, and out steps a very distressed looking Pan.

I scrunch my eyebrows at his demeanor, but I shrug it off.

"Can we talk?" I ask quickly.

He nods his head slowly and moves to sit on a log in the fire circle. I adjust myself to sit across from him.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"Last night. " I say quietly.

"What about it?" He says like nothing happened last night.

"I just wanted to know what it meant?"

"What it meant? Well that's obvious. " He scoffs.

I'm confused by the way he says that.

"It meant nothing."

3. Stupid. Words. And my heart drops to my feet.

I shoot to my feet in anger.

"Nothing! It meant nothing?" I practically scream. My entire being is hot and red with fury from Pan's carelessness.

He stands as well with shock planted onto his face. "You didn't see that?"

I stare at him with wide eyes.

"How could I see that? This entire time you've been leading me on, changing moods every 10 seconds, playing with my emotions! How could I, through all that, possibly see it meant nothing!" My voice begins to hurt from yelling so loud.

He still looks emotionless. "What else would it be?"

I'm going to kill him. Literally.

"So all that time we've spent together, everything that has ever happened, "It all meant nothing?"

He nods his head cautiously.

"So it all meant absolutely nothing. Absolutely. Nothing. And to think I was actually beginning to-." I stop myself.

"Beginning to what?" He questions taking a step forward.

"It doesn't matter now. " I say evilly.

"I don't know what you wanted me to say. Unless you thought it meant something different?"

I become extremely close to Pan, poking a finger in his chest. "You're an ungrateful jerk who deserves nothing. "

I take a few steps backwards before turning around and heading into the forest, but before I can, Pan grabs my arm.

"Aria, wait!" He says as I turn around. I don't have anytime to think about what I'm about to do, I just do it.

I smack him across his face and he drops my hand. His face is shocked and he cups his cheek. I give him one last evil glare before questing into the forest.

I'm on my way to the lake when I hear whispers of 'oh my god' and 'no' coming from the other way. I follow the sounds of the voices and I find myself at the cliff of eternity.

The boys turn to me with the most painful expressions before looking back down into the deep hole.

"Uh, what happened?" I inquire.

"He fell. "

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