Chapter 3

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Once I put on the clothes that were left for me on the bed; a tight green shirt and small black shorts, I walked outside to meet with the lost boys. I was confused to find that all the lost boys had disappeared and there was just a very mysterious looking Peter Pan sitting on one of the benches.

I make my way towards him in the fire pit. He notices my presence and turns to look at me with sly smirk. "Look who decided to show."

"Uh, where's the lost boys?" I question.

He picks at his fingernails, "I sent them to go fishing," he stood and and turned towards me. "I want to talk to you alone."

Honestly, just talking to Peter Pan gives me chills. His devilishly handsome looks and stunning green eyes make me melt.

I turn my head to the ground, "so, uh, Peter Pan, what did you want to talk about?"

He starts walking away from camp and I follow beside him.

"First of all, you will call me Pan," he says with high authority. "And second, I wanted to fill you in on the rules of Neverland."

"Rules? Why would I follow rules for a place I don't even want to be." I say with disgust.

Pan looks at me, with venom in his eyes, "you'll follow my rules, or you'll end up dead. And trust me, there are many ways for you die on this island. "

I shallow in new fear of this island.

Pan continues to talk as walk to an unknown place, "that reminds me of something I need to tell you." He stops and points to a large bush full of thorns. It's hard to see because the bush is far away, but the vines and leaves are tall enough to see it from the spot I'm at. "That is the deathly poison known as Dream Shade. It may look like a purple berry, but don't touch it, eat it, I mean don't even go near it unless you're looking for death."

I continue to stare at the large bush from this distance, "I won't go near it."

Pan continues walking, "That's only one way for you to die on this island. There's the Cliff of Eternity, because it looks like it'd talk an eternity to reach the bottom. There's also the Deathly Shallows, you now, the one you almost fell in."

"Well good thing dear, Peter Pan, was there to save the day." I scoff.

Pan shoves me up against the nearest tree; my back cracking at I crash into it. I groan in pain as Pan quickly brings out his blade, pushing it into my neck.

"I'd suggest you'd cut it with your attitude or I'll cut you. Oh, and show more respect to your leader Pan."

I squint my eyes at him, already fully fed up with the drama of this damned island. Why do I have to be here?

"I have no respect for you. I don't even want to be here." My voice is slightly shaky but is still soaked with venom.

Pan cocks his head to the side, "so you wanna play hard? Oh trust me, I'll play hard." He places the knife back in his belt and backs away from me.

What does he mean, play hard? But I don't question anything as we continue walking.

Pan takes a breath, "Now we need to go over the rules or guidelines on Neverland. First, when I say it's lights out, there will be no leaving you're hut until sunrise. Second, when you're given an order by me, you are to do as told, no questions asked. And lastly, but most important, I require the truth, and if I don't get it, the consequences with be deadly."


His British accent begins speaking again slowly, "if you decide to break any of my rules, the consequence will vary from enduring one of my games to death."

My breath hitches in my throat to think he would consider killing over some petty rule.

"What about the basic rules about fighting and basic middle school rules?" I let out a light chuckle.

He smirks, "fighting doesn't bother me. Just don't kill them."

"Hmm," that's quite odd.

He stops abruptly and I look up from my feet. "Here we are," he says.

We're at another beach on the opposite side of the island. It has a small current and looks to be very deep. The 7 lost boys sit out front, their hooks far into the water.

From my view, this place is quite gorgeous. The sun is up and bright, leaving an orange cast over the island. The water glimmers from the light that comes from the warm sun.

Pan gestures for me to sit down at the end of lost boys. I end up sitting by Eli and he turns to give me a quick smile before looking back at the water.

I pick up the rod next to me, examining it features.

"Do you need some help with that?" Eli turns and asks me.

I make a small chuckle and reply with a no, before casting my rod further than all the boys. I mentally cheer for myself.

"Wow," Eli stares at me with big eyes, "you're a natural!"

"I used to go fishing almost everyday with my family when I lived in Florida." I smile down at myself.

"That's really cool! I lived in Kansas, not very close to any water." We both chuckle.

I'm about to say something when a loud voice booms behind us.

"Pack it up! It's time for a little game back in clearing! I expect you all there now!" Pan shouts as he walks away.

"Game? What does he mean game?" I question.

"Pan has this, this sick obsession with games that usually risk people's lives. it's not really a 'game' to anyone besides Pan."

"Do you have any idea what kind of, uh, game he's gonna want to play?"

Eli swallows, "I think I do, but you don't want to know."

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