Chapter 25

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Life is fragile. Life is delicate.

I've learned this. Over and over again. I don't know how many times, I've been tossed this lesson.

My mother's death showed me just how fragile, life really can be. How fast life can just be ripped from your fingertips. No warning. No signs. Yet, it's just gone, in the blink of an eye.

Being on this island has shown me
as well, that life is overwhelming. That things can be going your way before all happiness is ripped from you. That you don't get what you want.

And my life. Well, my life is terrifying.

I've had troubles getting out of bed in the morning. I've had trouble looking at the reflection in the mirror. I've had trouble living a life as a normal human being.

And this island has made it worse.

Every time I stand back up, I get knocked back down. Every time I come up to take a breath, I get it ripped away from me. Every time I smile, I get slapped in the face.

And I can't do it anymore.

But I'm getting off topic.

Whatever happened after the seventh tick?

Pan holds my body as it goes completely cold, literally. My fingertips begin to turn purple and I feel my lips begin to numb. I cling onto Pan's body for the warmth it gives, for mine lacks any. My breath in front of me is icy and my pulse begins to slow.

Pan's strong arms grip onto me as they lift me bridal style and carry me out of the cave. The other boys follow quickly behind. Pan runs as fast as he possibly can until he reaches the huts. Everything seems to be going in slow motion.

The boys, who were dancing joyfully, have now stopped and begun to stare towards me. I use what strength my limp bossy is left with and turn my head ever so slightly to take a glimpse at Pan. I single, shimmering tear falls from his eye before he begins his race to his hut again.

I feel myself slowly drifting off and my eyes can hardly stay open.

"Don't do this Aria! Stay awake, stay awake! Everything is going to be alright." Pan shouts in pain as he makes his way up to his hut.

"I love you. " I whisper in a weak voice.

"I love you too. " Pan cracks out. He looks relieved to finally have made it to his bed, where he lays me under the covers. He stands back from the bed a bit, just watching. He tries to fight back tears, but it's no use. Tiny droplets roll onto his cheeks from his now dull, green eyes.

"Pan," I breathe, "Don't leave me." I say slowly before Pan shakes his head.

"I will never leave you. " He says sincerely as he walks to the side of the bed and climbs in. He pulls me to him, radiating his body heat to mine.

I try hard to fight the weight on my eyes, but it's no use. My eyes slowly shut and I'm taken into the darkness.

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