Chapter 16

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Many different definitions.

But to me it always meant the caring and unbreakable affection given to another.

Why am I bringing this up?

I honestly don't know. My heart is just sagging. It feels at absence of love. There is absolutely none on this island. And now that Hunter is gone, it seems that this island has lost all care as well.

One thing this island does have; evil.

I mean everything about it screams vicious. The numerous ways to die. The leader Pan. The whole clock situation.

I hate this place.

I'm trying to keep track of time here, but seeing as it does not exist here and there is no such thing as a calendar, I'm failing.

I believe it's been 2 weeks since the tragic day of Hunters death and my third bell. Nothing's happened since then. Just a whole lot of silence.

I thought this place would have a lot more adventure not drama.

I sit up, with my legs crossed on my bed. I'm not doing much, just thinking.

I've come to the conclusion that there is a lot of Neverland I have yet to see. Maybe there's somewhere I would like a lot more? Maybe there something interesting in the unknown?

Of course, Pan would never just let me wander this island. Then again, he would never know.

In these last 2 weeks, he's come out of his hut 4 times. It's like he's barricaded himself in there. And it seems that every single time he comes out, he's plotting something in his head, like murder.

He's annoying.

Thinking about this, I come to the idea of exploring the island. Now. I mean, the boys are asleep, Pan's not coming out anytime soon, and honestly, I need something refreshing.

So,I lace up my boots and slide on a black hoodie.

I step outside and look around. It's pitch black. All candles in each hut are out and the fire in the circle is now ashes.

I cautiously walk out, shutting my door behind me. I decide to walk to the opposite side of the island, I don't really know what's over there, but we also never go there.

I dodge the large plants and bushes that seem to just keep coming and pray to myself that I don't get lost.

Thats when I hear it.

The beautiful rush of water. I follow my ear and find the most spectacular thing. It's a cliff, but with a large water fall pouring far down into the main water surrounding Neverland. A stream connects to this fall, supplying the water. I sit on a large patch of grass next to the stream and waterfall. I let myself lay back on the grass and take in the beautiful view of stars.

This is the most amazing thing on this island.

I smile and close my eyes for just a second. For a minute, I'm truly happy. I'm truly at peace with the stars above my head and the water rushing at my side. I'm happy to finally find something beautiful on this hellish island. But that was only a minute, and like they say, nothing lasts forever.

So when I open my eyes, I'm unfortunately surprised to see standing right above me,


"Oh my god!" I yell, scared shitless.

"Did I scare you?" He asks even though I know he doesn't care.

I huff, "What are you doing here?"

Pan looks at me with disgust, "The real question is, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in your hut? Is that not one of my rules?"

He pesters me and I begin to become upset. I take a step back from him and run my hands through my hair.

"I just wanted some adventure and you-you had to come and ruin that!" I continue walking backwards away from him.

"Aria, listen, you need to stop-"

"No, Pan! I don't want to hear what you have to say. You're not my leader, you never will be. I don't even want to be here!" I become obviously frustrated.

Pan stares at me with his hands up, "No, Aria you're going to-"

He's interrupted again with some dirt breaking under my foot and I'm sent flying backwards.

Down, down, down.

You know how they say when you're about to die, you see everything you love flash before your eyes?

Well for me, Pan was there.



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