Chapter 15

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My face automatically drops as Brayden tells me the tragedy.

"We were just walking to the pond, and, and we decided to take a more scenic route." He begins to stutter. "Hunter thought he heard something down there. He just took a little peek down and slipped." He chokes and the boys look absolutely sick.

"He's gone," cries out Travis.

Then, out from the woods, comes Pan to 'save the day'. Pan and I share a moment of eye contact before he looks to the boys.

"What in the bloody hell is going on?" He asks.

"Hunters dead. " Answers Felix, emotionless.

Pan stands there, absolutely still, shock sketched into his features.

It takes a moment before he finally replies, "Back to camp. Everyone needs to get back to camp. "

And so we follow order and head back to the clearing. When we get back, all we can do is sit there with our heads in our hands, and try to overcome this awful tragedy.

I can tell everyone is absolutely heartbroken with this news. Even Pan seems distraught. He's the only one not sitting, instead he's pacing back and forth.

The only thing running through my mind is, how do we get through this?

This is definitely going to take a while for everyone to come back from.

"Aria!" I here Pan's voice boom through my ears before I roll my eyes. I really do not want to deal with this asshole right now.

I huff and stand up before walking towards him.

I stand in front him with my arms crossed over my chest and a pissed expression.

"Aria, this is bad. This is really, really bad. " He paces in front of me.

"Yes Pan, this is an absolute tragedy. " I say with no emotion. I think Pan and I's brief dispute sucked all the emotion from my already dead body.

"No, you don't understand. Something much more happened. " He runs his hands through his hair and sighs.

I look at him annoyedly. "How would you know? You weren't even there."

"Aria, there's something you don't understand." He reminds me of a girl on her period right now.

"And what's that Mr. Know it all?" I roll my eyes.

I see Pan's tolerance level for me visibly diminish. "The island is rejecting you. The island wants you gone. And because you're not gone yet, it's going to make everyone else pay."

I step close to Pan and put my face and inch from his.

"So kill me now." I say full of spite and venom.

I turn away from him and make my way back to the group of boys. I try and comfort them as Pan stands by himself, looking as pissed as ever.

"Listen up!" Yells Pan, and I prepare myself for his bullshit.

"There are some new guidelines from now on. 1. There will be absolutely no going anywhere near the dream shade path, cliff of eternity, or the deadly shallows. Are we clear?"

The boys nod their head for their leader and I scoff.

"2. There will be no leaving our clearing without my consent or supervision. Lastly, we must stay together at all times. No wandering off alone like I know you guys do. And that's all. " Pan ends his talk with a swift turn before he makes his way to his hut.

Great. We're stuck here.

The boys actually begin talking to each other and the smiles return to their faces. They talk about their lovely memories with Hunter and all becomes well.

For a minute.

And of course we're all hit again when the loud tick of the clock bursts our ears.

That's three.

All eyes turn to me, wide and worried.

"It's okay guys, it's all okay." I say using hand gestures, trying to stop the boys from having a mental breakdown.

Damn, it just seems like one thing after another.

Eli moves to sit next to me and places his hand on my back.

"Eli, don't worry, I'm fine." I say softly.

"But are you sure?" He asks, "I'm sorry to say this, but your time is almost out, and you don't seem nervous at all."

I look into his beautiful blue eyes. "Everything is going to be okay. "

He sends me a wide smile, "you're so strong Aria. "

"Thanks. " I sigh and put my hair behind my ear.

We spend our night lightly chatting and laughing. No dancing. No fire. Just a small circle of friends. I don't know when we'll come back from the tragic events of the day, but I sincerely hope it's soon.

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