Chapter 28

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I jolt awake in my light blue sheets. I look around the room and recognize it as my own.

"What?" I whisper to myself in confusion. My heart is racing and I can hardly breathe at this sight. I look out the window to see light flooding through into my room.

The door to my room suddenly opens and my dad pops in. I look at him crazed and a bit upset.

"Wow, Hun. It looks like you had a crazy dream. I'll leave you be." he smiles sweetly but in the shock I'm in, I can't reply.


That was not a dream! That was not a dream!

My breathing accelerates and I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack. I get out of bed and walk to my computer. I sit myself down and find myself on Google.

"Neverland" is my first search, though I come up empty handed. All I see there is the Disney version of Peter Pan and Neverland.

"Real Neverland" is my next search. I read stories of places people have visited that are believed to be Neverland, but none match up to what Neverland truly is.

Then it hits me. And I know exactly what to search next.

"Alex Rigo." Is written into the search engine and I come up with a thousand things. One headline states, "Boy found on side of road identified as Alex Rigo."
The next reads, "Boy found on side of road, still has yet to age a day in his endless coma." I click on that link.

I read through it till I get a spot where a doctor from the hospital is questioned. "He's been here since before I was even a doctor at this hospital, and he still hasn't aged at all. The hospital has kept him alive and on the monitors because he is such a scientific phenomenon."

Northeastern Nevada Regional Hospital, about 6 hours from where I am right now. That's where he is.

Well I better get going.

I grab my car keys off my desk and quickly pack a small bag. I hoist my backpack on my back and I'm ready to leave.

I race down my stairs and out to my car, where my dad is waiting, watering the lawn.

"Hey, kiddo. Where you going?" He asks suspiciously.

"Uh, an old friend needs me right away. I'm going on a small trip, I'll be back tomorrow." And with that, I hop into my car and drive away.

I type into my GPS the directions for Northeastern Nevada Regional Hospital and start my road trip.

I get there roughly around 3:30, just in time for visiting hours. I exit my car and make my way inside the front doors. The lady behind the counter wears dark red lipstick and her hair sidled up in a bun. Ray Ban glasses sit on the bridge of her nose as she surfs the computer in front of her. I clear my throat and her eyes quickly shift to me.

"Hello," her voice starts off sweet. "Are you here to visit?"

"Yes, Alex Rigo." I smile politely to her. She furrows her brows in confusion and shrugs before handing me a clipboard.

"Sign in and you can go visit him in room 323." She smiles before continuing her work the the computer. I quickly sign my name and hurry off to the third floor.

As the elevator rises, my heart continues to race from the endless possibilities that are bound to happen.

But I mean, what am I expecting to happen? After all, he is in a coma

The elevator dings, indicating its stop. The doors fly open and I step out onto the hospital floor. I walk past each room, examining the numbers until I come to...

"23." I say quietly. I open the door and walk in to see a boy with dark hair. The monitors around him beep and fuss, keeping him alive. I pull a chair up to his side and just begin talking.

"You don't know me." I start, "But I know you. The boy I love was your best friend. We both had to leave him for the same reason. I'm sure if you were awake, you'd be trying to get to back to him too." I pause and take a deep breathe. "I need your help to get back to him, but obviously there's no way you're going to help me, like this." I place my hand on his, and look down.

"Where am I?" I hear a very hoarse voice say. I look up to see Alex's head up and his eyes open. I jolt up out of my chair in absolute shock.

"You're awake?"

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