Chapter 14 - The Super Short Battle Because I've Had Writers Block

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Before I begin the chapter, just a heads up: I suck at writing battle scenes.

Sashano vanished from the air, leaving no trace. Although I heard his chaotic words, I looked around for him. I wanted him dead, just as I wanted every DarkOne here dead.

I felt a strong force slam against my body, knocking me sideways. The Blood guard for Sashano was on top of me. I leaped out from beneath him and bit his neck. He was weak, surprising to be chosen as a guard. His lifeless body slumped to the black floor.

Two wolves came charging at me from either side. I panicked, but then remembered -- my wings. I launched myself up into the air, looking down on the clash of Mystic rainbows and DarkOne blacks and reds.

That's when I saw him. Sashano was... Flying? He had a pair of bloody red wings.

"DarkOnes can't fly!" I exclaimed angrily.

"Oh, Powerfuls can. We just don't use it that much. Haven't you been educated?" He smeared the words through the air, letting them linger there as I sat there in shock, silence and pain. I let the words sink in, then looked up, smirking.

"Yes, I have been educated. What about you?" He looked taken aback, as he curved his wings.

I smiled at the small triumph.

He slammed into my body, biting my tail. I yowled, accompanying all the rest that came from below. I swung my tail around wildly, trying to break free. Mustering up all my strength, I whipped around forcefully, swinging him off my tail. I charged at him, ramming my head into his neck. A crack reverberated around the dim room.

A black shimmer surrounded Sashano's body, and he fell to the floor below. I slowly made my way down into the chaos.

A collective shriek rang around the room and I looked around -- all the DarkOnes were screaming. Well, at least all the DarkOnes that were involved in the battle.

Sashano's body lay motionless, a red orb surrounding him. Then, they all shattered, and we were left alone.

I looked around, eyeing the large crowd that circled around a certain spot.

I walked over and shoved my way through, and found Tweedle.

Tweedle sat, covered in blood, crying.

"Tweedle?" I asked softly. She kept crying, without an answer. I looked in front of her.

Shale. "No..." His tattered body lay lifeless, his mouth formed in the shape of a howl and his eyes wide open.

"They killed him!" She screamed. She bawled and bawled.

She even cried on the way home as The Voids carried Shale in the air.
Super short, sorry. It took me forever to come up with this chapter, I've had writers block lately.

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