"Dante let us holla at you real quick," Josh said and I joined him. Dante looked at us crazy but came with us anyways. Twenty feet away we lectured him.

"We've been wanting to ask you this for a while now but-" Josh started but I cut him off.

"But we didn't wanna say shit. Why're you treating Zi like that? Acting like she's not even there?" I continued.

"Man, just drop it. It's not even that serious, I can't be worried about her. I have a girl," Dante said.

"Didn't you guys agree to be friends? Why you being a typical nigga?" Josh angrily said. They can talk to each other like this because they're cousins.

"Josh! Fucking leave it alone!" Dante yelled making Courtney walk over.

"What's wrong?" She asked rubbing his chest. Josh and I just looked at each other. Courtney isn't ugly but she's just not the type to be welcomed into our group. Not that we discriminate it's just that she is too shady and rude.

"They talkin to me bout something, baby," He looked down at her. He's about 5"11 and she's 5"2. That's another thing Zachari is 5"9 and their heights fit one another.

"What? That bitch Zachari?" She asked with an attitude. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. Josh started laughing like crazy and I looked to see why he was laughing. Laila and Zachari stood behind Courtney and Dante. I started laughing too.

"That bitch Zachari," Zachari repeated and nodded her head. Zachari isn't a fighter unless it really comes down to it and right now I'm not sure.

Courtney and Dante turned around to face her but as they did that, Courtney got punched in the face. The rest of the group caught up to us just in time. Laila held Zachari from making another hit. Everyone started laughing at Courtney's facial expression. Dante even had to hold back a smile.

"I'll get you back, hoe! Just wait!" Courtney yelled with blood leaking out of her nose. Dante dragged her away and that was that.

"I'm so over his ass," Zachari grinned.

"His loss," Kemar, her date said. She smiled and hugged him. Kemar is a nice guy, he's on the football team and has a full ride scholarship.

"Let's go back to boring ass Welly," Zoë groaned. We laughed and separated in our cars.


"Baby wake up," my mom said. I'm already up I'm just laying here with my eyes closed wishing I was sleeping. Last night was fun but I got home at three this morning.

"I'm already up mom," I told her with my eyes still closed. She used her fingers to pull my eyes apart.

"Really?" I groaned and slapped her hands away. She laughed for a while as I rubbed my eyes.

"I have something very very important to tell you, I haven't told anyone about this yet but I need your...." she looked at me to help her out.

"What you looking at me for? I can't help you find a word," I joked and she popped my mouth. "Damn fam! Hitting my lip and shit!"

"Girl I'll knock yo damn front teeth out! Watch your fucking mouth!" She gave me a side look and I gave her a 'really' face.

"Continue with what you were saying!" I urged her so I could go back to my fake sleep.

"I'm engaged...." She trailed off. My face didn't change and I just stared at her.

"Engaged? In what? Sexual activity? Engaged in your work so I have to watch Zachary?" I knew what she meant but I can't believe it, somewhere in the back of my mind I always pictured my parents getting back together and making more children.

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