Chapter Twenty-Five

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"So, Normani," Camila casually said as she ate her somewhat edible breakfast, a smirk growing on her face, "I heard you're taking Dinah to prom."

Normani smirked right back at Camila before proudly stating, "Why, yes I am."

Camila playfully narrowed her eyes at Normani, "I hope you're not getting your hopes up, she's the straightest person I know."

Lauren chuckled now, "It doesn't matter how straight the girl is, Normani will still try. It's never stopped her before."

"You know me so well, Jauregui," Normani replied with a smug expression while Camila and Ally shook their head disapprovingly.

"Well, as her best friend, I have permission to hurt you if you mess with her," Camila stated, trying to sound threatening.

This only caused Normani to burst into laughter, "You actually think you can take me?"

Camila shook her head, "Not alone, no," she then smirked mischievously, "I'll just have some assistance from Laur, it'll be like a tag team."

Normani dramatically gasped, "Lauren! You would betray our friendship and jump me for Camila?!"

Lauren looked up, clueless and with a mouthful of cereal, not really paying attention to the conversation, "What?" She asked, though muffled as she still had her mouth stuffed full.

Camila giggled at her, "Just say yes, babe."

Lauren shrugged, swallowing the remnants of the cereal, "Yes."

Normani rolled her eyes at Lauren, "Can you get anymore whipped?"

Lauren smiled proudly as she nodded her head, "I get more and more everyday I think." She then leaned over to give Camila a chaste kiss on the cheek before finishing her breakfast.


"These are our last few months together!" Camila exclaimed in protest, "I wanna spend it having fun rather than studying." Camila pouted in order to try and convince Lauren to stop.

Lauren shook her head, it was the last week of May and all Camila had left was her military exam; Lauren would be damned if she let her girlfriend fail that one.

"On what hill was the battle of bunker hill fought on?" Lauren asked, reading from a list of possible questions.

Camila rolled her eyes, thinking the question was obvious,"Bunker hill."

Lauren looked up at Camila, narrowing her eyes at her, "Camila."

"Lauren," she replied, moving some of the books that were in between them to get closer to her.

Lauren rolled her eyes, "That was the wrong answer." Camila leaned in to breathe on Lauren's neck, "Camila, I'm serious, try again."

Camila huffed as she pulled her head away, "I don't know! That's a trick question."

"It is and that is why we are reviewing it. The answer is Breed's Hill." Lauren smiled victoriously when Camila fully pulled her body away, meaning she was actually willing to cooperate with her. They continued studying until it was time for lights out; Camila was actually amazed at how much they had got done, they reviewed mostly every topic from the beginning of the year that Camila could have easily forgotten about, now her job was to retain it.

After putting on their pajamas, Lauren plopped on to her bed, letting out an exaggerated yawn before opening out her arms as an invitation to Camila. She accepted and cuddled into Lauren, she looked into the dimly lit green eyes for a brief moment before biting her lip and burying her head in Lauren's neck.

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