Chapter Three

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A/N: I noticied that since I copied and pasted the chapters, the italics and stuff that are originally there are lost. So yea, in the previous chapters I didn't italicize the thoughts and that's the reason why it might look like it's jumping from third to first person, it's not, I apologize for that lol. I haven't really been editing these so I also apologize for any mistakes.

Camila and Normani quickly got along well, Normani had a great sense of humor but was also a hard worker. They sat together and throughout the class they would exchange little jokes, but still pay attention to what the teacher was saying. It reminded her of how she was in classes with Dinah, it would be just like that with a balanced combination of paying attention and having little witty conversations. Unfortunately, as the years went by Camila had less classes with Dinah and more classes with her new ‘friends’; and having class with them was a huge contrast as Camila had to purposely not pay attention to her teachers and act like she didn’t care at all that she would fail. The two hour period went quick; during their fifteen minute break, Normani gave Camila a mini tour before walking Camila to her next class.

“Hmm, maybe there is someone in this class that I know. I would hate for you to sit in the back of class all alone. That’s such a loser thing and no friend of mine or Lauren is a loser,” Normani said which caused Camila to laugh because she said it as if they were on the top of the food chain which they obviously weren’t. Camila liked that though, she liked that Normani was more not popular but also not at the bottom level of popularity; from what she saw, Normani was friendly with most other students and that was it and she assumed Lauren was the same way since they were partners in crime. Normani looked the small window on the door to Camila’s class to see if she knew anybody already seated in there. “Damn, no one. This class is so weird, it’s half complete nerds and half complete lowlife, assholes. Well, there is one girl, I guess you can talk to.”

“Who? I honestly don’t care too much about social status anymore, Mani. That’s what got me in trouble in the first place. I need better friends, people who are genuine and let you be yourself you know.” Camila replied honestly.

Normani smiled and said, “Well, in that case she is perfect. See, that girl over there in the corner of the room?” Normani tried to subtly point to her; Camila nodded when she saw who she was talking about. “That’s Ally Brooke, she’s a real sweetheart but no one really talks to her much. She’s actually my roommate, for a second year in a row now. Go sit with her but just know, she likes to talk. Alot.”

With that, normani left to her own class and Camila walked in, immediately taking the seat next to Ally. She waited a few seconds before turning over and saying, “Hey, I’m Camila.”

Ally stared at her before replying, “Uhm, you’re talking to me?” She was obviously surprised as it was written all over her features.

Camila let out a small giggle before assuring Ally that she was indeed talking to her. After introducing themselves and starting small talk, the teacher came in and went through the syllabus with them. After reading the syllabus, the teacher announced that she would hand out two worksheets to be worked on for the rest of class and turned in as homework the next day.  Camila saw this as an opportunity to start a conversation with Ally, seeing how they could get two worksheets done rather quickly and the teacher didn’t mind talking as long as it was silent. “So, why weren’t you at breakfast, today? I mean, you normally sit with Normani and Lauren right?”

“I was at breakfast, but I don’t normally sit with Lauren and Normani. I mean, I don’t know if we’re considered friends. Well, I guess we are, they are both nice and Normani told me I could sit with them anytime I want but I like to sit with the computer nerds sometimes,” Ally said this with a light blush as Camila raised her brow.

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