Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N: So, there's about three more chapters left then this story is over; if there is any suggestions on what you wanna see before it all ends, feel free to leave some and I'll see what I can do. Enjoy guysss :)

Lauren slowly started to wake up, her eyes opening and closing before finally adjusting to the light in the room. The first thing she noticed was the feeling of being watched; sure enough, she turned over to see Camila sitting up on her bed facing her with bloodshot eyes.

Confusion was the initial feeling, because Camila looked like she didn't sleep at all yet Lauren was sure that she tucked in a drunk, knocked out Camila last night. Lauren looked to the clock to a we that it was almost noon already, she then sighed as she looked back over at Camila. Camila was biting her lip, probably wondering where to start. They obviously needed to talk, one of them had to go first.

Lauren decided to go first seeing as Camila had stayed silent for such a long duration while she was getting up. Lauren rose from her bed and sat next to Camila, making sure to keep a distance between them, before saying, with deep regret, "I'm sorry, Camz."

As soon as those words left Lauren's mouth, Camila's eyes started to water as she shook her head, "No," Camila said, now tears falling rapidly down her cheeks, still shaking her head in protest. "No," she repeated, now full on crying.

Lauren quickly wrapped her arms around, "Shh, don't cry baby," Lauren soothing ran her hand up and down Camila's arm, "I want to apologize because of what you walked in, what it looked like, it wasn't, I," Lauren gulped trying to explain herself but also calm down her sobbing girlfriend, "She jumped on me as if she knew exactly when you would burst into the door, she pretended to be crying when I walked out of the bathroom and I was stupid, I went on the bed next to her, I didn't wanna go outside so I figured, fuck it, why not hear why she was crying. I didn't plan to help her, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious. I was so stupid, I should have left her-"

Camila lifted her head up to look Lauren in the eye as she abruptly interrupted her, "You would never just leave anyone who you find alone, crying in the middle of party, Melody isn't an exception to that. That's not you, Lauren and that's why I love you." Lauren smiled but it was only brief as she saw Camila sigh, obviously still having much more to say.

"I don't want you to apologize Laur, that's why I was trying to stop you from doing so," Camila took a deep breath, "I fucked up. I should be the one doing all the apologizing but there is no use because Melody was right about me."

Camila had woken up at around nine this morning with a massive headache, she spent those three hours before Lauren woke up just staring at the sleeping green eyed girl and trying to remember the events of last night. It was mostly a blur, she remembers the important pieces, like when she walked into the room upstairs and beat the crap of Melody but she doesn't remember how she got out of the house after that. She figured Lauren carried her away and put her in bed, Camila realized that last night was the first time in forever that both girls slept in their own bed. Camila knew this was all her fault, she got drunk, she continually pushed Lauren away all night; she couldn't help but to think back to when Melody said that Camila would fuck up. Melody said Camila was just like her, undeserving of Lauren, and for the first time, Camila agrees with that.

"Camz, what are you talking about?" Lauren asked, obviously confused because Camila never told her about what Melody said to her.

Camila sighed, not really wanting to explain the whole event in detail, because it wasn't really necessary to get what she wanted to say, "Melody warned me about fucking, she said that I was just like her and I believe it Lauren. Back home, I'm a completely different person and I dealt with my problems by abusing alcohol, which makes me do incredibly stupid things. You know how they say alcohol makes a person tell the truth or whatever? That's only semi-true, well at least in my opinion, because yes my true self comes out unguarded but that doesn't mean the things I say or do are things I've secretly always wanted to do." Camila paused, realizing she's rambling but Lauren seemed to be following along, listening intently; even when Camila paused, Lauren waited, showing that she knew Camila's thought wasn't fully expressed. "I guess what I'm just trying to say is that the person I became last night is a part of me and it's annoying and I understand if you want to break up with me because of it."

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