Chapter Six

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The next three weeks went by rather quickly; Melody and Lauren would sometimes sit outside the cafeteria during lunch, which frustrated Camila. Her and Lauren still had spent a great amount of time together with being roommates but other than when they were in their room alone together, they didn't really talk as much. Lauren dedicated most of her time to Melody, who would send Camila death glares every time she was around. Camila started to think Melody probably picked up on her obvious like for Lauren, but she didn't care; she liked that it was bothering her.

Though military school had some dramatic differences from a regular high school, there were times where Camila felt as if it was the same. Especially during lunch as Normani brought up the homecoming dance, Camila was surprised that the school actually held one. Nonetheless, it was refreshing to see all the girls get all excited and start to make plans on what dresses to wear.

"Are you going to wear a dress baby? For mee?" Melody said to Lauren with a pout on her face. The pout didn't really have a profound effect on Lauren.

"If I find one I'm comfortable in, sure." Lauren replied, she wasn't a big fan of getting dressed up; she never could find a dress she felt comfortable in enough to actually enjoy herself at formal events. Melody cheered as if Lauren basically confirmed she would wear a dress; Lauren just slightly rolled her eyes as she dug into the gross pizza the cafeteria had today, she was starving though so she devoured it even if it didn't have a desirable taste.

Normani and Ally continued their conversation of homecoming while Camila watched Lauren; Is it weird that I'm strangely turned on by the way she eats? Camila couldn't help it, everything Lauren did seem to have make her more attracted to her. She tried to stop her thoughts by glancing over at Melody to see that she was looking at Camila with an eyebrow raised; Camila felt as if the girl basically was reading her mind, she let out a soft gulp as she saw Melody do an evil smirk towards her.

"Baby, you got sauce all over your face," she said as she wiped sauce off of Lauren cheek then made eye contact with Lauren as she brought up her fingers and seductively sucked the sauce off her fingers.

Lauren gulped and quietly said, "Mel, what are you doing? Not here, okay." She blushed a little in embarrassment, glad that the others at the table seemed to be in deep conversation.

What she didn't know was that Camila only tried to look as if she was involved in the conversation when she actually, to her dismay, couldn't take her eyes off the scene as it occurred. She felt a tingling sensation in her body and her heart was beginning to hurt as if someone just put a heavy weight on it, what really made it bad was Lauren's cute flustered reaction because she so badly wanted to be the one to make her react like that; don't let your jealousy show, that she wants. Even though she told herself this, she clearly did not do this as she saw Melody giving her a satisfied smirk as if she just won something.


A huge reminder that she was, indeed, in military school aka death camp for scrawny, unathletic girls like Camila was military class; though the sitting in class and learning about war strategies aspect was fine, the physical aspect made her want to cry. Fortunately, today was just a normal class; the first thing the teacher said to the class was an announcement, "We've officially made your first war simulation on October 24th, yes we are aware this is the day of the homecoming, but I think this is in a way beneficial since war stimulation takes up all the whole morning, you'll have all afternoon to prepare for the dance."

Half the class groaned at the mention of war stimulation but were for the most part happy that it would be the same day as the dance, that was probably going to be an easy day then. Camila was just confused, she had no idea what war simulation meant but it definitely did not sound fun.

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