Chapter Two

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God, Camila, can you be anymore awkward? Camila mentally told herself after her awkward first introduction with her roommate. She had stared at Lauren for what felt like a good minute before finally replying, shaking her hand, and abruptly turning away from her to go settle in her side of the room. She let out a tiny breath as she was finally no longer looking at Lauren, but then realized she probably should have started more of a conversation. She just didn't know what overcame her but she needed a few minutes to get herself together. Probably just anxiety about this whole thing, yea that's it.

"So, uhm, Camila, are you new here? I don't think I've ever seen you around," Lauren said as she sat on her bed facing Camila who was unpacking her bag.

"Yeah, I am," Camila replied then turned with a shy smile at her before continuing, "So, maybe you can help me around tomorrow? I don't really know where like the bathroom is or where my classes are or, I don't know, I'm just definitely going to be really lost." Camila said lightheartedly causing Lauren to let out a little chuckle.

"Of course, i'll help you around. That goes without question. Did you transfer from another military school?" Lauren asked curiously as she was sure not a lot of people transferred from a regular high school to one but Camila looked very timid and tiny, so she might be in the minority.

"Uhm, no. I transferred from a regular school." Camila hoped they wouldn't stay on this topic for long as she would hate to talk about how her parents think she is on the road to juvenile delinquency. Then again, many of the people that are enrolled in military school are; so, it wouldn't be too much of a big deal but, nevertheless, she didn't feel like much of delinquent and certainly didn't want to be seen as one.

"Ah, I see. Are you a senior too?" Camila nodded and Lauren let the conversation die down as she didn't want to press on about why she transferred. It could be something a bit more personal and they did just meet afterall.


A loud bell rung throughout the building, it didn't just wake Camila up, it startled her so she had a full on spasm that almost made her fall off the bed. She groaned as she looked near the door to see Lauren standing there, clearly trying to hold back her laughter but she failed and let out a small laugh. This woke up Camila even more, she immediately blushed in embarrassment at this.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to the bell eventually," Lauren said as her laughter died down. "Anyways, mornin' Camila, I was about to go to the bathrooms if you want to come with. I don't know if you know where they are."

"Uh, yeah, sure. Thanks," Camila replied as she got up and followed Lauren out the door.

After washing up and getting changed in the bathroom, Camila stood outside her room door as it was time for inspection. She was on one side of the door and Lauren was on the other as the General walked down the hallway; for some Cadets, he just looked up and down while for others he gave a pat down. I don't get it, what on earth is he even looking for. He only glanced at Lauren and nodded then walked to Camila and raised a brow, he knew she was a new one. "Step off the wall, Cadet."

Camila did as she was told and he proceeded to give her a full body inspection. First thing he did was take Camila's bracelet off, "No jewelry and that goes for the necklace to, tuck it in." She quickly did as he said as continued to look at her. "Turn around," yet again she did as she was told. "Take the clip out of your hair and remember that you are to tie up your hair during class hours." After that he instructed her to face forward again and then gave her a light pat down, emphasizing her pockets until he discovered what he is searching for, her cell phone. "Phone's are prohibited during school hours, since this is your first phone penalty, I will only confiscate it for the day and give it back to you before lights out. Don't get more phone penalties, as the punishments will only get worse. Now back against the wall, Cadet." He spoke this to her with a stern voice and an emotionless face that made Camila gulp in fear. When she went back to the wall, he finally gave her a nod and moved on to the next person.

"Alright, this hall's inspection is complete. You are free to go to breakfast." Camila walked alongside Lauren into the cafeteria as they got their food and sat together. While walking through the cafeteria Camila couldn't help but notice that Lauren was quite popular; a few guys gave her a wave or nod, some girls seemed intimidated, and others girls stared at her dreamily. Camila was confused at this; well, actually more confused because she was already still confused about the whole purpose of an inspection.

"What was all that inspection thing about anyway?" Camila asked, hoping this wasn't a silly question because she was curious.

"Well, the school enforces army rules like, for example, the army dress code which is very strict and basically any rule the school has, they make sure to thoroughly enforce. Just as the army does. So, inspection is just to make sure you're dressed appropriately, don't have a phone with you, and basically anything else that can go against the army code of conduct." Lauren replied in an informative tone as she bit into her apple.

"That's kind of insane. I mean just to think people actually take time to make sure you dress properly. You really can't have any form of originality here to be yourself, no wonder I never liked the army." Camila said this without even realizing she probably gave it away that she was forced to come here.

"Well, the army doesn't encourage originality but only because it's primary focus is to teach you unity. How to work together as a team and be a part of a society. Actually, I would argue it teaches you how to find real originality because in any society there has to be uniformity and you have to find a way to be yourself and be different while in that uniformity." Camila was sure that by now she was staring admirably at Lauren. It sounds silly but it had been a long time since she had a conversation with someone who could speak like that; someone who was actually able to speak intellectually. Before she was able to respond she heard the chair across from them move and she turned to see Normani greeting Lauren as she sat down.

"Ay, Mani. This is my roommate Camila, she's new here," Lauren said as she motioned towards Camila.

"Oh yea, we've sorta met. Nice to officially meet you Camilla-"

"It's Ca-me-la, dude." Lauren was quick to correct her, obviously just wanting to annoy Normani.

"It doesn't matter and it's nice to meet you too," Camila responded back shyly with a soft smile.

"No, it matters. It's your name, silly," Lauren said with a wide smile as she looked at Camila.

"Oh, shut up, Lo," Normani said in an annoyed tone to Lauren which made Lauren giggle. Camila couldn't help but giggle too, amused by the two of them. Normani then looked at Camila and asked, "How's school going so far for you?"

"I don't know. I mean, I guess it's just going," Camila said, not really sure of how to have responded to her question. Normani slightly nodded obviously expecting more but Lauren laughed at the response. This caused her to instantly blush and, even though she didn't know exactly why Lauren laughed as it wasn't that funny, Lauren's great laugh caused her to giggle.   

As breakfast came to an end, Camila let Normani and Lauren take a look at her schedule. She had class right now with Normani and a class with Lauren after Lunch, which wasn't too bad because that only leaves her with one class where she was alone. Maybe, military school isn't so bad, she thought to herself, just then she looked over at Lauren and saw her laughing at whatever Normani was saying. She finds herself admiring her roommate's stunning facial features yet again, she smiles to herself before realizing what she's doing. This staring, though, might be a problem.

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