Chapter Thirteen

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As Camila sat down on the sideline watching her fellow classmates do sit ups while holding a huge log; she thought maybe getting beat up wasn't too bad after all. The Cadet Captains were going especially hard on them too, probably because they're upset that they were chosen to continue training the lower Cadets while others, in the field right next to them, were being trained by Cadet Majors in hopes to move up to that rank. It was both amusing and frightening to watch; she would be just amused if she couldn't stop picturing having to be in her poor fellow Cadets position, some looked like they wanted to cry, others looked ready to pass out, most looked like a mixture of both as they all shakily held the log.

"Glad that's not you?" Lauren said as she walked over by Camila, a little out of breath as she wiped sweat off her forehead.

"Duh, I would have been sobbing by now," she replied, looking up at Lauren who was now chugging her water down as if she hadn't drunk anything in days, she slightly giggled as she joked, "Slow down, you might just drown yourself."

Lauren chuckled as she went to sit down beside Camila, "It's hard work, you know. Well actually you don't know cause you got a get out of jail free card."

"Why, yes, I do have one but you don't," Camila said while arching her brow, referring to the fact that Lauren should be training Cadets right now. She wasn't complaining though, she needed some company and Lauren was definitely the perfect company.

"I don't need one, I'm a Cadet Major, I can do whatever I want," she playfully stuck out her tongue at Camila. Camila rolled her eyes as Lauren shifted the subject, "So Halloween, did you have fun?" she asked sort of timidly, Camila wasn't sure what was the cause of the sudden shyness.

"Of course," she assured, "It was actually one of the best Halloweens I've had in a while. Even if I had to sacrifice my annual Halloween movie marathon of Hocus Pocus and Halloweentown."

"That's what you usually do on Halloween?" Lauren asked curiously.

"Yeah, watching those movies on Halloween is sort of tradition for Dinah and I, even if they're a bit too childish for us to be watching now," Camila began to say shyly, maybe she shouldn't have named the actual movies she watched.

Lauren smiled then furrowed her brows in thought, "I've never seen them," she admitted.

Camila looked at her in clear shock, she was sure everyone her age had seen those movies at least once, even if not willingly, "Hocus Pocus and Halloweentown? You've never seen either?" Lauren shook her head. "You're missing out, those were right up there for me as a kid. Halloweentown was like my favorite Disney Channel movie, actually I have alot of those."

Lauren looked away in thought, "I don't think I ever actually watched the Disney Channel growing up."

Camila was now not only shocked but confused, "What? What kind of childhood did you have?" she asked, obviously in a playful tone.

Lauren's face turned serious, she bit her lip as she looked down, "Not a very good one," she mumbled, she gulped before looking back up, "I just didn't watch a lot of tv, I guess."

Camila frowned as she looked at Lauren, she wanted to know more, she had so many questions and she intended to ask them if their conversation wasn't rudely interrupted. "Lauren!" an annoying girly voice called out from the field, "Can you help me with my post workout stretch?" It was Brittany, one of the girls that is always trying to get Lauren's attention; Camila hated her, Brittany was even more fake than Melody, in fact, Camila was sure she even wears butt pads.

"Uh, sure," Lauren yelled back as she got up, she started to walk away but before that she turned and gave Camila a smile, "Later, Camz."

Camila gave a goofy smile back then watched as she walked away. There was something mysterious about Lauren, if mysterious was even the right word; there was clearly a lot Camila still had to learn about her. Fucking Brittany, there were a bunch of other people that could have helped her. She rolled her eyes as she was now watching the stretch Lauren was 'helping' Brittany do; it was one where Brittany was laying down with one of her legs up in the air as she instructed Lauren to push down on the leg so it was crashing into Brittany's body.

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