Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Lol it's may and this chapter is halloween themed, but whatevs. Halloween is the best holiday anyways; enjoy this incredibly fluffy mess.

"Mani, at least let me wear a jacket, it's fucking freezing outside!" Camila exclaimed, referring to the Halloween costume she was forced to wear, Catwoman. It was a leather suit with knee high boots; but really the material of the suit was fake and did nothing to protect Camila from the terrible winds outside.

Normani smirked, "Alright, wear this," she handed over a leather jacket that Camila took, confused as to why she was smirking. That was until she smelled it, that was a familiar smell, it smelled like Lauren. She then looked at it again and remembered seeing Lauren wearing it, particularly on the night of the dance; that night they shared a kiss that they have yet to actually really talk about, but Camila figured it was for the best that they just move on from that night when given the context of everything else that went on.

"Why do you have Lauren's jacket?" she asked.

"The other day when we went to go pick up my car, she took it off and left it. And now, you're going to be all girlfriend-y and wear it," she replied as more of command.

"You, my friend, are brilliant," Dinah said to Normani, giving her a high five.

"You do know that when we go get Lauren from our room, I can just get one of my jackets right?" Camila challenged, "Besides, that's just weird wearing her jacket without her permission," she added on, unsure, she didn't know if that made sense, did she need permission to wear a jacket? It seems like the right thing to do but then again, asking for permission would be so awkward. Camila cringed, that's something she'd do.

"Mila, she already is going to go crazy when she sees you in that outfit but then to see you wearing her jacket over it; it's probably going to make her even more crazy."

"Is she possessive or some shit?" Dinah asked curiously while stuffing a handful candy corn in her mouth. Hmm, I don't think I would mind that; Camila could totally picture Lauren doing subtle, or not so subtle, things to show everyone who was hers, she's just cute like that. Yeah, I wouldn't mind that at all.

"Well not like in a clingy, obsessive way but yea, kinda. She just got out of relationship with a complete whore, can't blame her for being a little possessive when it comes to the next girl in her life." Normani reasoned, Camila nodded, that made sense. Then she realized that she was being referred to as 'the next girl' in Lauren's life and blushed; both Normani and Dinah truly believed that her and Lauren were bound to get together anytime now, she wished she was as confident in that as they were.

Ally, the only person left of the group that they were waiting for, finally walked in her and Normani's room. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late," she said as she rushed to re-apply some last minute makeup to go with her costume.

"Where's Troy?" Camila asked, she had thought the reason Ally was taking so long was because he was coming along and she was probably waiting on him; Ally never runs late.

"Oh, uhm," she looked at Dinah and Normani briefly as she hesitated, "He's not coming, he said he was just going to spend Halloween with his friends."

The hell was that about? Camila raised her brow as she looked over at Dinah and Normani suspiciously. The both gave her innocent looks, too innocent; Camila knew they were up to something but before she could ask what, Ally had finished her makeup which caused Normani to excitedly rush them all out. They made their way through the halls, Camila liked how different the feeling of the school was; Halloween was on a Friday and usually students walking around the school in clothes other their uniform, even after school hours, were prohibited but they made an exception for today. Even some of the Generals, the ones that didn't constantly have a stick up their butt, were dressed up and occasionally tried to scare a passing by student. Who knew this place could have such a lively atmosphere, it's usually about as lively as a funeral. Camila laughed to herself, at her own bad, not to mention morbid, pun.

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