18. Niall's Story

Start from the beginning

"I had just gotten back from his house, and I can't recollect what I was going to do, but when I got to my room I saw a letter just layin' on my bed. I didn't even need to read it to know what it was; the stamp was more than enough... I just sat down next to it, head buried in my hands, and began crying. I don't know how long I sat there like that, but when I managed to pull myself together I went and looked for my mum. She was sat in her favorite chair in the living room with her hand on her heart, tears streaming down her face. I knew then that she was the one who had put the letter on my bed." At this point a few tears had escaped, but can you blame me?

"What did the letter say?" Harry asked, and I could detect the wariness in his voice as he did so. I took a moment before answering, not for suspense or anything, but because it was always difficult for me to say.

"I'd been recruited." He looked at me, shock written all over his face. "The Germans were getting ready to attack the French. I know it says in all of the history books that it was just the French and the British forces, but there were a few Irish thrown in to help with numbers and lucky me, I was one of them," I practically spat.

"Y-you couldn't say no?"

I shook my head. "Back then, wars were a daily occurrence. You'd be lucky if you'd make it past twenty without being forced to join."

"I'm so sorry Niall."

"It's not your fault. Now where was I... Oh yeah, so I'd been recruited. I'd spent the entire night in my mum's arms, not talking, not doing anything, just holding onto each other. The next day they came to collect me and I knew it was the last time I'd see her." The tears had started flowing more steadily, and I was just about ready to give up trying to wipe them away since they were quickly replaced with fresh ones.

"They took me to Dublin where I trained relentlessly for a month, then sometime in late August I was whisked off to Paris where I basically waited for their attack. I was paired with this guy, who'll remain nameless, and we quickly became friends seeing as we were going to be together all the time. He was cool though, and he helped keep me from freaking out and just killing myself." At that Harry's eyes widened even more.

I stopped speaking then, because this next part, out of everything, was the hardest to have to remember.

"It was a few days before my birthday when it happened. The Germans had made it about thirty miles from Paris, and thanks to a source, we were able to meet them before they got any closer. Our counterattack was successful so they weren't able to advance, having been forced back north of the Aisne River, thank God. They didn't give up easily though. I'll spare you the details, but it ended up being just the beginning of a really bloody war of abrasion." I sniffled before offering him a weak smile. "You might know it better as the First Battle of the Marne."

"Would you be mad if I said I sleep through my history lessons?" He questioned sheepishly. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Course not."

"Thank goodness," He sighed, as if he thought I'd actually get mad at something so trivial. "So, what happened to you and your friend then?"

The tiny smile I had immediately disappeared at the question. Never mind what I said earlier, this had to be the hardest thing to tell.

"Um, well... I don't remember exactly what happened to my uh, my friend," I stuttered. I knew exactly what had happened to him, but I wouldn't dare say it. "But I...I had been standing too close to someone who stepped on a mine, resulting in half of my body being terribly burned. I was left for dead, and yeah I was in such agonizing pain, but I happily welcomed it." I sighed, reminiscing over the thoughts I had while laying there, waiting for death. "That bright light you supposedly see never came though. Now, I don't know how much Louis or Liam told you, but us vampires are labeled in certain categories..."

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