The Truth In A Dream

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~Jeff's POV/Time Skip~
Zana was in my bed. She still hasn't awaken. It has been a week since she killed Vamp. I looked at her sleeping face. She looked so innocent... But when she changed, she... I don't what. She looked like a demon I guess. The demons that you don't want to mess with. When we brought Zana home her hair started to change. It started to turn black. Right now all of her hair is black beside the tips. Slender told me that she found her true power and the demon side of her was released when she attacked Vamp. I was confused cause I thought Zana was a demon slair. Slender told me that she is half demon slair and half demon. That her real farther is a demon and her mother is a demon slair but she lost her power when she had Zana because her father is a demon. Demon slairs and demons are banded from having children with each other and marrying. I sighed and laid beside her. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest. I dont want to tell her when she wakes up just yet. I think that she already knows. I put my chin on her head and fell asleep.

~Zana's Dream~
I woke up on a cold white floor. I looked around and stood up slowly. My head was dizzy. I walked and everything faded into darkness. I just kept walking. "I need to get out of here"

~Hour Later~
I was still walking. I was about to turn back when I seen a light in the distance. I began to run to it. As I got closer, I seen that it was candles on a table. I stopped running and walked to the table. I looked and seen a picture frame that had a picture Inside it. I picked it up and a candle and looked at the photo. It had a little girl, a woman and a man. I looked at the man and realized it was Jeff. I looked at the woman and she looked like me but with black hair. I then looked at the little girl. She had blond, long hair and had a black and white dress on. She was about six. I looked closer to the photo and seen wings peeking out from behind the little girl's back. I hadn't notice them at first but after looking at the photo I seen them. "Could she be part demon?" I looked at the woman that looks like me and I seen that I was in a white hoodie and white skinny jeans. "I" was holding the little girls hand and smiling. Jeff looked like his self and he was smiling. (More them his carved smile) and he was also holding the little girls hand. The little girl was smiling as big as I have ever seen someone smile and I chuckled. I then notice that she had crystal blue eyes like Jeff's. "Could this be our child?" I then thought of something and I put down the candle. I then turned the picture frame over and took out the picture. I looked at the back and it said "Zana and Jeff with Rosey. They are celebrating Rosey's firth birthday." I smiled. Jeff and I have a child together? I put the picture back onto the frame and put it back onto the table. I look up and a door is in front of me. I could see light peeping around it. I walked to it and reached my hand out to the handle when I heard a voice. "Zana" I turned around to see a small light. "Who are you?" "I have come to tell you that you are having Jeff's child. You must protect her no matter what. There will be many demons trying to killer her and thee rest will try to bride her. Sh has a soul mate. You will know who when the time comes. Also, you will only have her and her only. And lastly, what Vamp did to you, he will not be the father. Jeff is but she will have a little bit of Vamps demon side. Luckly not a lot to make her demon." I nodded at the small light. "And you are half demon and half demon slair. Your mother was a demon slair but lost her power. Demons took it after they killer you father. He was a demon. It's banded for demons and demon slirs from having children with each other" I was shocked but only nodded. "Now go to Jeff Zana. Be with him and be ready for Rosey." I turned back to the door as the light vanished. "I'm coming back Jeff." Lights wrapped around me as I opened the door and I began to wake up.

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