Black Wolf?

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I walked into the woods and I could hear someone running. I changed into a wolf and gave chase. Who ever it was that was stalking me is gonna pay. I haven't been able to sleep because of this sick baster. I ran as fast as I could deeper into the woods. I lost all control of my body. I couldn't stop. Even if I tied I couldn't. Something took over me and I couldn't escape. I past a steam and as I ran by I forced my self to look into the water. It wasn't me anymore... I was a black wolf with red,flam looking marks going down my sides. My eyes, they were red. I was twice the size then I was before. I was longer, and faster. I could smell and see better. Something was in me. I heard the running just ahead of me and I seen the guy. I lunged over a bush and sank my teeth into his neck. We both fell to the ground and I still had my teeth into his flesh. I didn't smell blood tho. I smelt a demon so I let go and jumped in front of him.

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