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~Zana's POV ~
I woke up in a dark room. I tried to put my arms down but I was chained into the wall. I then tried to move my feet but they were chained as well. I looked at my clothes and I only had on my bra and panties. I was scared. I realized I was in my human form and I was spread out like a star. I looked around the room and seen a table beside me. I screamed out for help. Just then someone came into the room. I screamed for them to let me go. "Let me go you sick baster! Where the hell am I?!?!?" "You my dear, are in the underworld. I told you I'll come back for you my sweet Zana" by the voice I knew it was Vamp. I screamed for help again as he got closer to me. "Shhh. No one can hear you in here. Only ones who can is outsiders. And its impossible for them to get here!" He laughed and I spited on his face. He slaped me, hard. "Don't you dare do that to your husband again!" With that he slapped me again. "Your not my husband. I'll rather die then be your bride you baster" he slaped me again for that. "Then I'll make you my slave" "Huh?" What did he mean by slave? He showed his claws and ripped my bra and panties off. I tried to cover myself but the chains held me in place. He licked his lips and grabbed my chin. He pressed his lips to mine and I tried to get away. He licked my lower lip asking for entrance. I didn't let him in so he pinched my nipple. I gasp at the pain and he explored my mouth. I tried to get away but he just grabbed my hips and pushed his self against me. He took off his clothes and had nothing on but boxers. He kissed me again and rubbed my core. I tried not to let out a moan. He began to play with my breast. I begged him to stop and he bit my left breast. I screamed out in pain and he shoved his self into me. I screamed loader. The chains had me spread out so he went deeper with every thrust. He was like no human. He gave me pain. He kept going deeper and I started to cry. He bit my neck and drawed blood. "Shh or I'll hurt you" I was in pain already so I bit my lip and whimper. Please Jeff save me! Vamp pulled out and went to a wall and pushed a button. The chains moved so I had my back against the wall and I was sitting down. He walked to me and looked down at me. I looked away and and he grabbed my hair and made me look at him. He smiled and shoved his member into my mouth. I started to gag as he went farther into my mouth and down my throat. "Suck" I shook my head no and tried to pull away. "Do it now!" I started to cry and he slapped me as hard as hr could. My vision became black as the door was slammed open.

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