Zana's Transformation

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I watched as Zana's hair became violet with red highlights. There was a flam around her. The flam was so bright that I had to look away. When I looked back at Zana clothes began to appear. A violet colored cut top that had a line of red and purple flam going down her arm in a line for sleeves and it cycled around her wrist. She had a violet short skirt. She had tattoos of roses skulls on her arms and she had a infinity sigh on her chest. A pair of wings came from behind her back that were a dark purple with blue and red flam around them. Her wings looked on fire. A pair of cute wolf ears popped out of her head and they were violet with blue swirls. She looked hot. She looked at Vamp and smile. "My dear husband. I love you Vamp" I was shocked when I heard a voice in my head 'play along Jeff. I will never love him. He's a monster. Look hurt please. I'm gonna finish him.' I nodded my head and started to fake cry. No I don't cry but this Vamp guy didn't know that. He looked at me and smiled. He then turned back to Zana and took her hand. "My dear, I have waited for this day. And now you truly look like a beautiful demon my love." She smiled and pulled Vamp into a kiss. She opened her eyes and looked at and winked. I smiled and she grabbed the back of his neck and slung him into the wall. She then walked to him slowly. "I would kill you with my sword but I want to kill you with my bare hands!" She lunged at Vamp and grabed hold of his neck. He screamed and tried to pull away. Zana laughed and the chains that had her pinned to the wall came lashing out and wrapped around Vamp's arms and legs and pulled. He screamed in pain and fear. She smiled and everything changed. All her clothes,wings, and hair became black. Her eyes turned red and she growled. Horns replaced her wolf ears. She grabbed Vamp and lifted him up. He's eyes became wide. "You will pay for what you have down to my family and what you have just done to me!" Vamp engulfed into flams and he screamed. Zana laughed and soon Vamps screams calmed down as his body stop moving. Zana changed into her human state and looked at me. "What happened..." Her eyes closed and she was about to fall over when I ran and caught her and laid her on the cool ground.

~Whoa Zana has a dark side! Damnnn. Well anyways what you think? Jeff fake crying? HOW DOES THAT HAPPENED?!?!? Lol. I make this as I go so I'm sorry if it sucks! xc well byeeeeee. Love you loves!! <3 *-* Kitty's out )=^~^=)/ ~

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