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I took care of Zana for the rest of the day. She got sick every once in a while and she wanted to get up bit Slender told me not to let her. So I didn't. Her fever kept going up and then down again. I looked at her now sleeping face. "I love you like a mother Zana. You take care of us so it's time for us to take care of you. Please be okay." I went out to get something to eat and came back after about 10 minutes and Zana was sitting up looking out the window. "Zana! Do you feel like getting sick again?" She shock her head no and I smiled. 'Thank god' I thought. "BEN?" "Yes?" I looked at her and she patted a spot beside her on the bed. "BEN, I need to tell you something that's going to happen. I need you to promise that you won't tell anyone just yet. Okay?" I nodded and listen.

~Zana's POV~
I told BEN about what happened when the demon was in my body. I told him about Rosey and how I was a little scared. He sat there and listen. I told him everything. Of how I found out that I was half demon even tho I kill (evil) demons! I broke down crying and BEN wrapped his arms around me and tried to get me to calm down. "Zana, you will make a great mother. You take care of all of us. Look at what you do for Sally! You treat her like your own. You take care of her, play with her, and feed her. Hell, you feed most of us really. There isn't as many fights between everyone since you came. You love and care for each and everyone of us. You are like a mother to all of us. I love you like I would my own mother Zana." I smiled and stop crying at BEN's words. It was true that I was like a mother. When they went out to kill and came back with cuts and bruises I took care of them. I looked at BEN and said "Get me Slender please" with a smile.

~Yes I know that I don't put spaces in between my paragraphs but IDC. Sorry. I will in my next story :D yes, there will be another story. I'm thinking this one can be a BEN or a Laughing Jake love story. I might put a lil bit of both ;) but idk yet. If you want to choose then comment or message me which and I'll take a vote!!! O and Thank You to the person how voted on my chapter 'Zana's Transformation'! :'D okay and I also need your guy's help with something else {For THIS Story} but you will have to continue reading to find out! ¢^: LoL. Well goodbye for now my amazing readers!!!!!•^• ~

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