Zana's Love Rises

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~Slemder's POV~
I screamed for Jeff to stop but it was to late. As soon as Jeff grabbed 'Zana' into a hug a knife was pushed though Jeff's chest. Jeff let out a small cry and went limp and fell to the ground with a load thump. I looked at 'Zana' and she was laughing. She started to change. Her skin was as white as snow, hair as black as night, wings as dark as her hair and had spikes on them like a demons, claws, and she had horns. Her eyes turned black. Someone is in her. I grabbed Jeff's lifeless body and LJ put him on his shoulder. 'Zana' looked at us and said "What's wrong? You scared?" She then began to laugh like a mad woman.

~Zana's POV/Dream~
I pushed on the gate but it wouldn't open. "Someone help me please!" "Your wish is my command." I turned around to see the same light from before. Someone has entered your body and put up a gate so you can't enter you body completely." "But who would do that?! And why?!" "I don't know who but I think that they want to kill you and Jeff. But it may be to late for Jeff" "What do you mean by it might be to late for Jeff!?" Instead of answering me a picture came up beside the light of Slender, EJ, Sally, and everyone else. Then I seen that Jeff was on a tall,clown looking guy's shoulders. I then seen a woman that had snow white skin, black hair,wings, and horns. Her eye's were black. "What happened to Jeff?!" "The person inside you jabbed Jeff in the chest with a knife." I began to cry. "Jeff..." I stood up and faced the gate. "No one hurts Jeff and gets live!!!" With that I closed my eyes and brought my hands together. "I will save you my love..." My wings came out and my hair turned all the way black. A blue flame cycled around me and I opened my eyes. "I'm coming home Jeff!" My eyes turned bright green and the flams shot to the gate. The gate crumbled to pieces. I walked to the light and jumped though.

~Damnnnn that was cold. LoL. Well it will continue so flip the page please! I kinda think this is a cliff hanger so ya... Hope you in joy!~

Jeff's Deadly LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora