"Arthur.." smiled Francis, "You most definitely care."

"Of course I do." replied he.

Francis went up to him and held him from behind, face burying itself in his hair. Arthur steaming from embarrassment because they were in front if his family. His brothers grinned and their eyes seemed to gleam, a plan hatching in their minds. Mrs. Kirkland giggled at the two boys.

"I do really see the love. Don't you?" she said looking at her husband.

"Well.." he trailed.

He wasn't too big on the LGBTQ+ community. He last expected one of his sons to be one. His wife rolled her eyes at her husband's trailing off.

"Come on they're in love. You can't say no, without Francis who knows what would have happened to our dear Arthur." said she.

"Yeah pa, let little Art keep Francis. We've heard a lot of their video chats and boy do they talk sweet and long like you and mother." said Owen.

"They already have an arguing stance~" grinned Dylan.

Allistor snorted and went to stand with his two other brothers, taking his 'for show' cigarette away from his lips. The redhead looked at Francis then back at his parents.

"Let Francis get the boy. Making the first move is never easy. Especially when you're coming from one country to another to take your crush to prom."

"Father.." trailed Arthur, pleading through his eyes.

The man sighed and scratched the back of his head, "If ye sure ye want him then I guess I can't argue with these valid points can I?"

Francis smiled and picked Arthur up, spinning him around before placing him back on his feet and turning him around. Arthur still trying to stable himself on the ground. His family smiled as they watched the two. This is going to be a big event.

"See, I told you things will go okay. Now I can have you and you for me."

Arthur smiled and grabbed onto Francis, hiding his face in the crook of the other's neck. Mrs. Kirkland awh'd and his brothers clapped their hands. Francis smiled and laughed, this was certainly a very, very good day. But now to confront his parents.

The two lovers walked up to Arthur's room; Francis taking a look around. The room was filled with books and papers, on the shelves were little figurines. Posters of TV shows plastered onto his walls. Arthur turned on his computer and turned around to face Francis.

"I say you're very cuter than I thought you were." smiled Francis.

"Oh hush, stop it."

Arthur got on his account and went to 'call' Francis. With the Frenchman nodding, Arthur clicked on the phone icon and the message started connecting. Francis held his breath as the ringing continued. This was it.

On the other side of the screen stood Francis's parents. Francis had inform the that he was expecting a call and wish for them to answer it for him. Mrs. Bonnefoy pursed her lips as she saw the caller.

"It's Arthur dear." said she, "What do we tell him? Francis isn't back yet."

"We tell him that simply." replied the father.

The blonde went over and answered, prepared to tell Arthur that their son wasn't home until she saw the impossible. There stood Francis with Arthur. This was an illusion wasn't it. She turned back to look at her husband who was just as surprised as her.


That was the only word she needed to hear to confirm he was on the screen. Sitting down, she blinked and tried to process everything at the moment. The last time they saw him was this morning with a redheaded guy. But that sure wasn't Arthur.

"Francis where in the world are you?!" asked Mr. Bonnefoy.

"Mama, papa, this is Arthur." said Francis, "And as you see I'm over in London. The person from this morning is his oldest brother, a pilot. He flew me over."

"Why..Why Francis you really went to great lengths." said his mother.

"I know and I'm sorry. I just couldn't leave my love alone on prom night." he said smiling softly.

"If I may intervene, I had no idea he was coming over here. It was a big of surprise to me as it is to you." said Arthur.

Mrs. Bonnefoy giggled, "I say Francis, you did this ' in the name of love ' didn't you?"

Her son sheepishly nodded with his cheeks pink. Arthur smiled and glanced at Francis. He really was sweet.

"I'll be home by-"


Arthur and Francis turned around and saw Allistor. He was leaned against the doorframe before he walked over to the computer. A smile in his face as he spoke to the mother.

"Francis will be home on Monday morning. I give my word."

The Bonnefoys looked at each other with hesitance. Francis was so far from them as being gone for a whole weekend in another country. It wasn't the best feeling a parent could have.

"Oh Francis you don't have a set of clothes-"

"I'll shop with Arthur over here. It's no worry mana, I'm fine and I'll be fine." smiled Francis, "I'll be home before you know it."

"A-and it's already so late, I don't want my brother flying Francis home in the dark."

"And I have shipments to do tomorrow."

"Come on. You two need a break from me, go on and have a nice dinner. Take mama out on a date. Make sure papa is enjoying himself." said Francis.

"Well..." trailed his mother.

"I think Francis is right mon chérie, he's fine over there. He knows how to handle things better than I can. And...In the name of love he's with who he wants to be with."

The doe eyed woman stared up at her husband and smiled. Looking back at the couple, Arthur and Francis's hands were intertwined with each other's. A pleading look in her son's eyes.

She took in a breath, "How can I say no to that?"

Both boys beamed and hugged each other, Allistor chuckling as the Bonnefoys smiled. Their boy has finally found what he was missing and Arthur has finally found someone to complete him as well.

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