Chapter 19: She knows

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Chresanto's POV

" - So wassup man? Why you so silent?

- Well... How would you feel if Samantha was dead?

- I'll stop acting like a pussy 'n find another bitch to replace her ass.

Was I dreaming or did he actually just say that?! That's pretty harsh to say when it comes to yo' girl."

" - Jacob, stop your weird behavior. WHO-STARTED-IT?

He played with his Afro and re positioned himself.

- It's Prod.

- Prod? Like a producer?

- Noooooo! It's Prod as in Prodigy! You know, Craig Crippen. The nigga you hate."

" - H-h-heyyyy, Craig! Yea you, you! No, not you. Him! The blonde Chris Brown lookin' nigga ova there! Get ova here! Com' on, nigga, com' on!

He looked surprised to see me here. Well I don't give a fuck. I'm beatin' his asseee!

- Roc.

- Don't call me that. Only the motherfuckers I love call me that. You're NOT one of them. Therefore, call me Chresanto!

- Well damn! Why you gotta be so rude? I just wanted to say hi. Can't you say it back? he said smiling."

" - You have a choice, Kat. Believe what's in your heart and follow your feelings.

Ok, enough with the quote talking. Time for me to go see Adrienne Underwood. I turned around and opened my car door. I turned the engine, opened my window to tell her goodbye. And that's when she shouted:

- Follow my feelings huh? Well then fine! Chresanto August, I love you! I always did! Since the day I laid my eyes on you!"

" - Please, Mr Underwood, do not interrupt me. As I was saying, the day of Adrienne's murder, I was the one that found her dead in the middle of the woods. Now you might be thinking why didn't I stay by her side and all that crap. I had to deal with some physical complications but the fact that you actually let us go to this stupid party in the first place says a lot about yourself. You, Mr Underwood, let us go in a club in the middle of the night! And you're talking to me about protection and what I didn't do? Maybe if you raised your daughter properly, like making her more aware of things and more careful, maybe she would still be alive today!"

"- S-so who is it...?

- Why are you asking questions that you already know the answer too?

- Why would I be asking a question in the first place if I already know the answer too it? I replied.

- Because you have a hard time handling the truth.

- Stop playing, man.

- My life is on the run. There's no more time to play. Chresanto, you are a smart boy. You know who it is. The signs are everywhere. It's so obvious. I don't wanna look like a fool and tell you shit you already know.

- Shit, man, you making this difficult for the both of us!

- You're making this difficult for yourself. The signs are out there, Chres."

" - Fuck every each and one of ya'll! I do what the hell I want! Jacob, you were suppose to be my friend! I trusted you!

- You're the one that deserves this! You had evryt-

She KnowsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon