Chapter 17: PUSH!

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Abandoned. He abandoned you, in the dark, all alone. Once again. You are all alone, once again. Invisible, once again. Forgotten, once again. How do you feel, Kathleen? Like a worthless piece of shit? Do you feel like a bitch? This is what you wanted? You wanted him and you got him. We both had him. I was just more fortunate to have the good side of him. You got what you wanted, Kathleen. But you don't deserve what you got. 


Who are you shouting to? You are all alone, Kathleen! Nobody is here for you. Nobody is going to save you. You have to save yourself now.

- Please! Someone help me! I just got rapped! Please help me! Please!! I don't wanna die!

Don't cry. It's not over. It's never too late. Unless you're dead. You have to escape yourself out of here. Push yourself from the dark and find the light. You can do this, Kathleen. Make the first step. Get off your butt and stand up. Stand up. STAND UP! 

- W-where am I?! I can't see anything! I need HELP!

No, you don't need any help! You are in his basement. Now that you are up, walk, walk, walk, WALK! WALK, KATHLEEN! Do not cry, you will get through this. Escape from the dark and find the light.

- Everything hurts on me! My body, my head, my-I can't do this! Please, somebody come 'n help me!! Please, I'm begging you, please! she shouts and cries. 

What you are not getting is that no one is going to help you get out of here. You need to help yourself! Escape on your own. You can do this. You are on the stairs now. So GO! CLIMB! PUSH! You can do this! I know it hurts but you gotta push through it! Just do it!

- I cannot do this! My legs are aching! Please help me! I cannot do this anymore! Someone, MOM, somebody get me out of here! I cannot do TH-

YES YOU CAN! YES YOU CAN! Kathleen, there are thirteen pairs of steps. You are on the seventh step. You have six more to go. CLIMB, PUSH, GO! Just do it! Don't give up now. You are almost there! Yes, I understand it hurts but look beyond the pain and realize that you are on the ninth step. You have four more steps to climb. PUSH, CLIMB, GO! Three............................................ TWO! PUSH, CLIMB, GO! ONE................................................................... YOU MADE IT! YOU MADE IT, KATHLEEN! YOU MADE IT UP THE STAIRS! 


Kathleen, he isn't here. And even if he was, he wouldn't help you. Stop crying, you made it through the stairs. Now, there's a door, Kathleen. Can you see it? No you cannot but you can feel it. With your hands. Push the door open with your hands. PUSH, PUSH, PUSH! 

With a trembling arm, Kathleen manages to punch the door open wide enough for her whole body to slide out. She has a hard time walking so she crawls her way to the main entrance where she finds her bag and personal items. She opens up her bag and takes out her phone to be revealed with five miscalls from her mother. "She's always too late", Kathleen thought. Kathleen tries to call her back but there is no reply from her mother.

- Well, fuck you too, I guess, she mumbles.

Forgetting about her mother, Kathleen dials 911 and tries to explain the whole situation with the best voice and without crying. She fails the second part. 

- Okay, Mrs Orius, the cops are on their way. It won't take much longer. Do me a favor and please stay calm.

- I just got rapped and you want me to stay calm?! No the fuck I won't! Kathleen screams back.

She closes the phone on them and crawls outside. She does not have a mirror in her possession but she knows she looks horrible. Feels horrible too. "This whole 'Chresanto bitch' thing was a complete mistake. I feel like shit", she thought. 

Shortly after, the polices arrived with an ambulance truck behind them. Kathleen feels so revealed that they came that she could cry. Tears of joy.

After all you have accomplished and been through, oh yes, I give you the permission to cry.  

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