"Your boyfriend." He all but spits. With my free hand I answer the phone and press it to my ear.

"Hey, baby, how's the party?" I call into the phone.

"One second!" Seth shouts back and the loud music in the background disappears. "I miss you! I wish you were here!"

"I just saw you a couple hours ago." I say with a smile, giggling."You guys know when you'll be back yet?"

Seth, the soccer team and some of their friends/groupies are still celebrating their win on the last game. Granted, just thinking about Seth being surrounded by blood-hungry bimbos and sexually frustrated groupies made me want to throw our arts project to the wind and save my man from their grubby manicured hands.

"Not sure. Couple more hours maybe." His voice is loud and slightly slurred and I notice Collin getting impatient beside me.

"Alright,I'll see you then?"

"Wait! Don't hang up—" but I've already pulled the phone from my ear and shove it back into my pocket.

The one thing that won't leave my mind is worry. I worry especially about the repercussions of this project... the pain it may cause Seth in particular. The danger it involves for him. But I have to go through with this. I have to if I want to make a chance. Not only will I complete the project,no matter what may happen to me, I will make sure that nobody else gets hurt.

Although I know my friends want to help and they enjoy the thrill of what's about to happen, I don't want them to get into any trouble. So they might help me tonight but I know exactly what I have to do to protect them.

My hands are spattered in black and red paint about two hours later. I am breathless, my lungs burning. My phone rings endlessly in my pocket. Cold sweat runs down my back as I collect dirty stencils and paint cans. Emma, Collin and Erich have left already; having disposed of all other evidence... of course they didn't really have to do that as I would be admitting to what we have done.

Taking a few steps back, I turn to look at the finished mural, a smile creeping onto my face.

"Perfect..."I whisper, biting down on my bottom lip before fishing my phone out of my pocket.

"Arya!" Seth shouts, clearly drunk.

"Are you back on campus yet?" I ask, rubbing my hands on my jeans,trying to clean a bit of the paint off.

"Almost.Few more minutes... Jackson!" He suddenly shouts and the line cuts off.

I sigh but try not to worry too much. I had chosen this day in particular to finish the project. Having most of the football team and cheerleaders gone meant there would be less commotion on campus.It also meant that soon enough students will walk onto campus, some drunk, some tired but all perfectly capable of recognizing this project as what it is.

Living for the fat girl [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now