"Hey, let's watch PLL." She wiggles her eyebrows.

I giggle and nod, and so our whole afternoon is set off with four amazing actresses and one mysterious A.


Jenna's POV

"My god," I shake my head in defeat as I sag into an airport chair. This line is so long, containing families and many teenagers. I can't possibly wait standing up because I know this will take a couple of good hours.

"Rushy, isn't it?" A boy's husky voice says. I turn to see the boy that was on the plane with me as well. His green red scan the area and I nod, slumping into my chair.


"So how old are you?" He asks, and I smile.

"I'm 17." I nod at him. He smiled back.

"I'm 19. You know why I'm coming here, to Canada?" He props on his elbows. I shake my head. "I'm getting engaged." He smiles and a dimple carved into his cheek. He seems like a nice guy.

"Wow. Aren't you too young though?" I ask, praying that I'm not being nosy.

"I get that a lot." He nods, then looks at his mother who is a couple of seats farther. "But I love the girl. Honestly, we've been together since grade school." He blushes and I fight the urge to 'aw' at him. But I can't help it.

"Awww." I smile wide. "You must know her so well."

He nods, looking at the window as a dreamy look catches his eye. "I know her better than she knows herself."

"What's her name?"




"I'm Jenna."

"So, Jenna, why are you coming to Canada?" He counters yet in a friendly way.

"I live here. I went to the USA for my summer and now returning home." I assure him. He nods, then frowns a bit.

"So early though?" He bites his lip. "I mean, there's still one more month." He nods and looks in my direction. I look at the ground and then back up at him.

"Was having some tough times." I admit sheepishly. "Y'know, drama and all." He winces and nods slowly, swallowing my story in. Thankfully he doesn't press on which makes me admire him a bit more.

"I'm here cause I used to live in America but Kathy loves Canada. I was born in Canada too, yet I came to America a couple of years after. Then I went to Spain then lived there for five years, then returned to USA. We spent our entire middle school and elementary school together. Then last summer when I came to visit, we fell in love." He smiles as if he can picture it. "So we decided to move and all this year."

"Interesting." I grin. "Seems like a nice love story."

"It is," he agrees. "You got a boyfriend?"

I don't hesitate to answer him because I know that he's told me lots about him so at least I can tell him this. I don't know why, but I answer curtly. "Yeah." I nod, and catch myself. Why am i doing this? I mean.. We're over. But my heart wins over.

"How's he like?"

"He's the sweetest thing ever. Really, I'm so glad we're together." I simply state. He smiles.

"Oh, the rush is shortening." He looks over to his mother. "Oh well, I'll see you later. It was nice meeting you." He smiles. I nod and pick up my stuff and stand up, just as I feel his arms wrap around me.

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