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"Bryson think of it as a going away picnic. And it's a nice day. For once." Brooklyn grabbed his arm and forced him into the back of the car. 

"So it's just Henri and Luke?" Brooklyn sat Nat on her lap. 

"Yep. I think so." Sam started up their big van and found the park they were meeting Henri and Luke at. It was a nice day and Brooklyn had managed to wrangle all of her children into shorts. Sam looked handsome as always wearing khaki cargo shorts and white v-neck. Henri and Luke were already at a picnic table. 

"Hey! I'm so glad you could come Henri!" Brooklyn threw her arms around the petite brunette. She wore grey jeans and a teal tank top, with some stylish aviators.

"Luke, where's Emma today?" Jen was looking forward to spending time with Emma too.

"Kenz picked something up from school so she had to stay home. She sent me instead." Luke grinned and hugged her.

"Sometimes I like to think Sam is the older one not you." Jen dodged Luke's hand and handed Bella to him. "Now I trust you with her..." Brooklyn tried to look serious.

"You can trust me. I have some of my own, lest we forget." Foster crawled on the table and giggled. 

"Don't worry I've got an eye on 'em." Henri laughed and did her hair in a messy bun. 

"No shorts today? It's supposed to be a scorcher." She looked at Henri and grabbed the lighter and started the fire. She set it on the table and dug the burgers out of the cooler. 

"Cameron! What are you doing!?" Sam ripped the lighter out of his hands and jammed it in his pocket. Luke and Henri exchanged worried glances. Cameron's bottom lip started to wobble. Sam never had outbursts like this.

"Sam... It's fine, he doesn't know how to use it." Henri laid a hand on his arm.

"What if... Henri." Sam shot her a pained look and took off into the trees. Brooklyn looked from Henri and Luke.

"Is there some back story that I'm missing?" Brooklyn sat at the table.

"Um yes. Well... Sam was ten and we had this game. It was stupid really. We had to jump over the fire pit and see who could somersault over it." Luke looked at Henri as if prompting her to continue the story.

"Being the only girl I always wanted them to include in their games even if I was older." Henri sighed and pushed back her hair. "They eventually let me play but I burned my legs so badly Sam's been afraid of fire ever since. There's a lot of scarring and I've been really self conscious ever since. I think Sam personally blames himself for what happened." 

"That's terrible. He's never told me." Brooklyn felt a little hurt that he hadn't told her.

"To tell you the truth Brooklyn if that would've been me I wouldn't have told my wife either." Luke sat down at the table balancing Nat and Foster on his knees. 

"Could you talk to him? A man to man?" Brooklyn weakly suggested.

"Sure Brook. I'll knock some sense into him." Luke headed into the trees in search of Sam. Brooklyn looked at Henri.

"I had no idea." 

"It's ok Brook. I forgave Sam. He just needs to hear it from someone other than me." Henri smiled and opened a bag of chips.

"Sorry Bryson." Brooklyn nudged her brothers leg from under the table.

"Hey, it's ok I didn't know that would happen either!" Bryson kicked the soccer ball gently to Cam and grabbed Foster. "It's alright Brook. Shit happens."

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