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Sam rolled over and saw Brooklyn sitting up in bed, a sheen of sweat over her face. 

"Sam, it's time." She smiled weakly and clutched her stomach.

"What!" Sam fell out of bed and grabbed some jeans and his car keys. "Are you sure?" 

"Yes! Leave a note for Bry and help me get in the truck!" Jen groaned. Sam drove as quickly as he could to the hospital. They took Brooklyn to a hospital room and a some gruelling hours later Cameron Zachary Fields was born.

"Oh Sam. I can't believe it." Brooklyn held Cam in her arms and looked up at Sam. 

"He's so little." Sam held out his finger and Cam's little hand curled around it. 

"And he's ours." Brooklyn smiled. She handed him to Sam gently. She looked up and Bryson, Brayden and Kelsey walked in. It was about six in the morning so she wasn't surprised that most of her family was here. Brayden walked over and hugged Sam.

"How's being a dad?" Brayden laughed and sat down next to Bryson and Kelsey. 

"I still can't believe I'm an uncle. Can't he be an honorary brother?" Bryson looked down at Cam and grinned.

"Wish us luck for the next parents to be." Kelsey looked at Brooklyn.

"Congratulations! You guys must be proud." Sam looked at Brayden.

"That's your shift because I was the one at the baby shower." Brooklyn heard Cameron crying and she pushed Sam out of bed.

"I actually don't mind getting up it's just that he prefers you most of the time." Sam crawled out of bed and walked down the hall to Cam's room. Brooklyn looked at the ceiling and realized that Cam's crying had ceased. 

"Now why can't I get him to go to sleep that fast?" Brooklyn murmured to herself as she walked down the hall. "Sam?" She whispered quietly, seeing that her husband had fallen asleep with Cam on his bare chest. She took Cam from him and put him down in his crib.

"Come on sleepy head." Brooklyn helped Sam up from the rocking chair. She snuggled into his open arms.

"Can we have more kids?" Brooklyn mumbled into his chest.

"Your asking me?" Sam laughed softly. "Definitely."       

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