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Brooklyn stood back and looked at all the boxes piled in the small living room. Sam was about to get home from work and Bryson had just parked in the garage. The triplets were just down for their nap and Cam was playing with his foam castle blocks in Brooklyn's room. She had had to move Cam's stuff to Sam and Jen's room so the triplets could have a bigger room. It would be such a relief when each of her children could have their own room.

  She sat down at the kitchen table. The kitchen was all in boxes so she had called Sam to pick up supper. Sam came through the front door with a Wendy's bag in his hand.

 "Hey. The triplets are asleep?" He came and kissed Brooklyn on the cheek and set down his coat.

 "Hmm? Oh yeah." Jen looked up at Sam and smiled. " I still can't believe how official and handsome you look in a suit."

 "Official and handsome?" Sam leaned in for another kiss but was interrupted by three simultaneous sets of wailing. "I'll get it." Brooklyn started to protest but after a full days worth of packing she didn't argue.

  She got out three identical blue plastic plates and set them on the triplets' high chairs and started dividing up chicken nuggets and fries. Sam walked into the kitchen balancing all three babies, and Cameron following after him. Bryson came and grabbed a burger and retreated to his room.

 "I have to study." He called as he shut the door. Brooklyn rolled her eyes and took Bella from Sam. She knew that they wouldn't eat until later as feeding four kids at once was a two person job. Usually Foster and Natalie would be content to eat happily but Bella had developed a habit of waving her food around and playing with it, instead of eating it. Brooklyn had to actually feed it to her, not just set it in front of her. Sam was great with the kids and she wondered why he wasn't the mom instead of her. She smiled at the thought and cleaned up the triplets.

  She let Sam send her up to bed while he put the kids to bed. Brooklyn sat on the edge of the bed and sighed. She needed a couple days off from the kids but she knew as a parent you don't get days off. Brooklyn curled up in her blankets and turned off the light. She felt Sam come into the room and slip  underneath the covers beside her.

 "What's wrong? I know something's wrong." Sam leaned on one elbow and looked at Brooklyn. She rolled over and looked at him. She knew that look. The one that wouldn't let her go to sleep until she told him.

 "It's nothing."

 "I'm not going to let you go to sleep until you tell me." Sam ran a hand through his hair. Brooklyn snuggled into his chest and sighed.

 "It's so hard taking care of four kids. I feel so bad that I can't even work and help pay for the house."

 "Hey. It's ok. I can fix it." Sam hugged Brooklyn and kissed her forehead.

 "You can?" Brooklyn sounded doubtful and tired.

 "Will you let me?" Sam looked at her and stroked her cheek.

 "No." Brooklyn turned over and sniffled.

 "Please?" Sam murmured into her neck.


 "I'll take a week off, we'll move, get settled in, and I'll take care of the kids. Promise."

 "Your so sweet. You don't have to do that, I'm just feeling sorry for myself."

 "It's ok. Your not superwoman." Sam kissed her slowly and and squeezed her hand.

 "Neither are you. Superman, I mean. Love you Sam." Brooklyn smiled and closed her eyes.

 "Love you Brook."

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