"Hello Alex, how have you been?" I ruffled his ginger hair, smiling. I love children. He grinned from ear to ear.

"I've been great. I'm practicing really hard to become as strong as you!" He beamed.

"Good, and who might this be?" I gestured towards the girl.

"Oh, right! This Anastasia, daughter of Apollo. Anastasia say hello" Alex nudged her.

"He-Hello," She squeaked from behind Alex, I couldn't help but smile she too cute. I leaned down to her eye level, she looks to be about 4'6 and sitting upright I was still a couple of inches higher than her.

"Hello sweetie," I gave her a sweet smile, "Why are you hiding behind Alex?" She hid even more behind him.

"Anastasia is quite shy. It takes a bit for her to get used to new people. She wanted to meet you though, she really admires you," Alex explained.

"Well any friend of Alex is a friend of mine," I declared. I heard a stomach growl, actually I heard two stomachs growl. I looked at them, diverted their eyes in embarrassment. "You two haven't eaten yet?" They both shook their heads no. A brilliant idea struck me, since Percy wasn't with me, I woke up earlier than him so he is still sleeping, and I have a lot of food on my table. I'll have them eat with me and maybe Anastasia will begin to open up to me. I slid down, and patted on the bench, "Here, come with me and eat, I have plenty to share. Alex you can sit across from me, and Anastasia you can sit next to me." I smiled sweetly.

Alex hesitated, "Are we allowed to do that?" Personally, I didn't know if this was taboo or not, but I didn't care I can deal with Chiron and Dionysus.

"I'll deal with Chiron and Dionysus, you won't get in trouble," I reassured them. Alex's stomach growled again, he looked over at the food on my table and decided to take a risk. Alex went to the other side of the table and sat down and grabbed some food.

Anastasia was still hesitant, "It's okay babydoll, I promise I don't bite," I promised. She finally got up on the bench after her stomach growled again. She scooted herself down the bench next me. "What would you like to eat babydoll?"

"The-the pancake looks good-good," She squeaked shyly. I chuckled, and put a pancake on a plate and handed it to her. In truth, I grabbed this much food to restore my stamina, and strength. The past week left my body exhausted and I needed to eat a lot, but I figured I could spare a few pieces of food. I reached over to grab the syrup, and I felt a sharp pain in my left ribs. I winced. A few of my ribs are bruised, most likely some other areas are bruised, and I'm pretty sure I have a concussion as well. Anastasia must've noticed me wincing and lifted up the side of my shirt revealing huge black, blue and purple bruises. They covered my whole left rib cage and a little of my back. Anastasia and Alex's eyes widened at the sight of my injury. I sat down, her thin, delicate finger lightly brushed across my bruises. She looked up at me, worry was in her eyes.

"One of the few things that you get from fighting, it's okay though it'll heal," honestly I don't remember being hit in the side but I guess. When the sisters knocked me down, they must've kicked my side a few times out of anger. Then she lightly pressed both of her hands on my side, I wince at the pain, she closed her eyes, then started to hum a soft song where her hands were the pain began to go away and a soothing feeling flooded me. When she finished her song, I looked down at my side, from where her hands were the bruises began to disappear and return to my normal skin color. My head felt better as well my other injured areas.

The Daughter of Poseidon (Percy Jackson)✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें