"We will!" I said brightly, trying to hold back my laughter. 

As we were walking the soldier grabbed Sokka. "Wait a minute!" He said. We all froze. "You're a strong young boy! Show some respect for the elderly and carry your grandfather's bag!" 

"Good idea!" Aang said happily, tossing his bag over to Sokka, who looked disappointed. 

Once inside, Momo stuck his head out of Aang's Appa hair. I laughed at this and what happened with the guards so hard I got stares from passing people. 

As Aang explained how the delivery system worked, I went off on my own. I knew what Aang had planned, but I wanted to do something first. 

As Aang took the long way to the top of the city, I walked around one of the lower market areas. I got to the place I wanted to see. 

I used to bring my fire bending friend Kuzon here. I remembered the last time I ever came here. 

"Are you sure you'll be ok on your own?" Aang asked Kila. 

Kila laughed. "All be fine. Nothing will happen. Besides, I have Kuzon with me!" Kila grabbed her friend's hand and pulled him away while Aang flew off with his glider to see Bomi. 

Kila led him to a small area that was hidden from view, but Kila had found it years ago to win a game of hide-and-seek. 

It's top was open so you could see the sky, but it was also hidden from the above layers of the sky. It was surrounded on all four sides but walls, and only had a small opening from the bottom that led to behind some market stall, inside a bush. Kila was the only one who knew about it. 

Kila sat on the grass under the small tree growing there. The grass was softer then any other she had ever felt. She loved it. She hadn't even shown it to Aang. But now she showed Kuzon, and she sat facing him, awaiting his opinion. 

"It's amazing." He said as she pulled him to the ground. 

"I'm glad you like it. I haven't shown Aang yet. This is where I go when him and Bomi have their fun. They never even notice I disappear until I'm back." Kila said lightly. 

Kuzon was a year older then her. He wore a red shirt with a pattern of air bending swirls that seemed to move as he did. His shorts were lined with earth nation green and his shoes were a deep blue. His messy brown hair had a slight tint of red in it. 

Unlike most people, Kuzon respected all four nations and wasn't partial to his own. He was a prince himself, but refused to wear the hair crown unless necessary. When in the fire nation, he made friends with the poor children, bringing them bread and sometimes cookies. He even gave some of them lessons in fire bending, for they hopped to become soldiers and escape poverty. 

Naturally, when Aang was welcomed as the Avatar to the palace and Kila was with him, Aang was taken away to speak with the fire lord himself. Kila wondered out in the gardens. 

That's where they met. Sitting by the pond, whenever she visited, they sat they for long hours, talking happily. This was the first time she had taken him on a trip with her. they had already saw the south pole in all it's glory, the eastern air temple, flying around and playing with the crab-bats, and they were now in Omashu. 

As they talked, they watched the sun set, which they had a perfect view of. Then, without warning, Kuzon leaned over and kissed Kila. 

Kila didn't object. 

"Just one ride." Aang said, snapping me out of my daydream. We were about to slide down the tallest shoot. "Then we're off to the North Pole." 

"This sounded like fun at first, but now I'm having second thoughts!" Katara yelled as Aang pushed off, not waiting for her to finish. 

The First Deathbender (Deathbender Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin