Chapter 1

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The world rebuilt itself, all because of the sacrifices of one girl, Beatrice Prior. But in saving the world, she lost her life. Tobias Eaton lost his reason to live. A single experiment done out of pure desperation, out of love can change it all. A serum that brings life to the lifeless. But at what cost? What is the price of one's life?

AN: I understand why Roth killed Tris but I wish she didn't. So, as a fan of fan-fictions, I found solace in many fics with alternate endings or a fourth book or something along those lines.

But I wanted a personalized fourth book. Which I will write as a fanfic. The stories still belong to Veronica. It's just to get over the ending. It's a fanfic. I have no rights over the characters, just the plot.




Beep. Beep. Beep. An annoying noise woke me up from my sleep.

My head hurt a little and I couldn't open my eyes, they felt heave, so heavy. I could hear my pulse throbbing in my ear and my throat burning, aching for water.

"She's waking." I heard a voice but I couldn't open my eyes, every inch of my body hurt.

"Beatrice." I hear a frantic voice. My brain hurts.

God. Why is everything so loud?

"Beatrice, if you can hear me, please squeeze my finger." I hear a man's voice, a familiar voice.

I don't know who he is. Maybe I do, but I can't process anything.

I slowly try to do as he said but my veins feel like sandpaper.

Finally, I summon as much will power as I could and squeeze his finger.

"Cara. Check on the others. See if it worked for everyone." He says and it finally clicks. Caleb. My brother.

I try to open my eyes again and this time I can.

"Beatrice. I'm so glad you're alright." He said holding my hand.

"To-" I try to say but only a broken noise comes out.

"Here. Drink some water. Your throats dry." He says and I greedily gulp down the water as he holds it to my lips.

"Caleb." I say when I can finally speak again, though my voice is hoarse.

"Yes, Beatrice." He smiles.

"Where is Tobias?" I ask.

"He doesn't know you're here." Caleb says as his smile fades.

"Why?" I ask.

"Beatrice," he starts.

"Tris." I correct him.

"Tris. What was the last thing you remember?" he asks.

I try to recall what happened. I remember taking Caleb's place and going in there. Surviving the death serum. And David. David shooting me.

"Caleb. David shot me. I thought I was going to die. How long was I out for?" I ask urgently, needing the truth immediately.

"Tris. You were dead for over a year." He mumbles and I look at him in absolute shock.

AN: So, how was it? Please Review and let me know your views. Should I continue?

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