"Yeah, but still." I pouted as the car door opened and Liz climbed into the car. She sat down in the back and sighed loudly. "You okay?" I asked her, looking back.

"I'm just gonna miss him is all." She shrugged.

"Not if we moved to London." Caitlin said.

"Oh God, not again." Liz groaned.

"What about London?"


The office that we were sitting in was quite big. A large portion of the wall across from us was glass that looked out on the L.A skyline. It was a gorgeous few this morning, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I would pay more attention to it, but I was a bit nervous for what would happen in the next hour or so. We were signing with Simon today and I couldn't wait to actually do it. I was just nervous.

The door to the room opened and Simon walked in, smiling as soon as he saw us. "Ah, there are my girls. How are you three doing?" He asked.

"We're good. Anxious to sign with you, but good." I answered for the girls.

"If anyone's the anxious one here, it should be me. Now I've got my friend here with me, he's a lawyer. This way if you have any legal questions, he'll be here to answer things. He'll also help go over the contract, which will take about an hour or two. What time are your flights?" Simon asked.

"Not until after five tonight. We're good for the day." Caitlin said.

"Okay, good, good. Mr. Andrews, can you come in here. That's my friend the lawyer. And don't worry, I don't think that there will be any problems with the contract." Simon said. The lawyer he was talking about walked into the room and smiled at the three of us. He was an older man, probably about Simon's age, and he took a seat in the chair next to Caitlin.

"Um, before we begin, can I ask a question?" Caitlin asked.

"Of course." Simon said as I looked over at her in confusion.

"Okay, so we were wondering about the record company we'll be signing to. Are we signing to Syco or Colombia or like, any other ones?" She asked.

"Yes, you'll be signing to Syco. You'll also be signing with L.A.'s company, he'll be here in an hour, Epic Records." He said.

"That's what I thought. Now, I just want to ask about moving to London instead of moving to L.A. How would that work?" Caitlin asked.

Moving to London? That must have been what they meant in the car. But when were they talking about moving to London? Who says that I want to? I mean, it would be awesome as hell. A whole new country to explore. That would be an amazing opportunity and I don't want to regret not moving to London in fifty years from now. Moving to London is a big step... I'd love to take it. Getting out of America would be awesome. Away from Colorado for the rest of my life? Yes, please.

"You three want to move to London?" Simon asked, looking between the three of us.

"We just want to see how it would work." Caitlin said.

"Well I would need to get an answer from the three of you today. I would need to set up a flat for you three then, and then the work visa's and everything else. So you want to know how it would work? Well, you three would get a working visa that would allow you to live in London without an issue. I would rent a flat for the free of you and you would take over the payments after you receive your first paycheck. It would be a lot easier because that's where I genuinely live and work there. It would save a lot of time and money. It would be much easier. A few of my clients have moved to London to work. Not as drastic as you three, but they have." Simon explained.

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