Sixty Eight // Club

Start from the beginning

I looked back at Liz as a man approached our table, smiling at the two of us. My eyes widened as I recognized the man and I sat up straight, opening my mouth to say something but nothing came out. Nick Jonas laughed before he spoke.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to flirt with you girls or anything like that. I'm actually here to congratulate you girls. As you know I helped Demi during the judges homes, and after that I had to watch the season. You girls were my favorite so I just wanted to say congratulations." He said.

I still couldn't say anything, I was star struck. I couldn't believe that Nick Jonas was standing in front of me. I finally shook my head, managing to find my voice again. "Thanks. Wow. That means a lot coming from you. I was a major fan of you when the Jonas Brothers were big. I mean, not that you're not big but.... I'm doing a terrible job." I said, closing my eyes and holding my head in my hands. That was majorly embarrassing and I wanted to just stop and erase.

Nick laughed though, causing me to look up at him. "Well, tonight I'm the fan. I better get back to my friends. Congratulations again though. I'll hopefully see you two later." He smiled before walking away.

"I was a major fan of you when the Jonas Brothers were big." Liz mimicked me. "Honestly Cait, that was just terrible." She said.

I looked over at her, glaring. "Says that girl that didn't say anything to him." I said. We both laughed in embarrassment as someone else came up to our table. Actually, two someone's. I wasn't surprised or shocked to see Demi standing by our table, but I was a bit star struck to see Selena Gomez standing there. She sang in Week Two of the X Factor, but I was never able to meet her.

"Hi girls, congratulations. Even though you weren't in my category, I'm really glad that you girls won. I wanted to introduce you girls to my friend Selena." Demi said.

"Wow. Um I mean, it's nice to meet you." Liz said. I snorted, shaking my head at the blonde haired girl.

"Hi Caitlin, I'm Selena." I said. My eyes widened as I realized what I had just said and I closed my eyes, feeling my cheeks heating up in embarrassment. All three girls laughed and I couldn't help but join in a little bit. "Sorry. I'm Caitlin, you're Selena. It's nice to meet you." I said, my laughter dying down with everyone else's.

"It's nice to meet you two... too." Selena said, squinting her eyes a little bit as she tried to decide whether or not that was proper grammer. "Anyway, congratulations with winning. I watched a bit of the show but I was always busy, but you girls are great. I'm really excited to see what you girls come up with." She said.

"Aw, thanks. That means a ton coming from you. And I like your show, but it's over now so I'm sorry about that but it was good. My little sister adores you." Liz said.

"Sorry, she's really awkward around people. You should've seen her when we first had a conversation." Demi laughed, putting her arm around Liz's shoulder. Liz laughed as her face heated up. I could tell that she was a little uncomfortable with the attention on her so I quickly spoke up.

"This was great, but we have to get back to Niall and Louis. If we don't they'll worry and they are boys so they'll do something stupid." I said.

"That does sound like them. Well, we'll see you girls later. And congratulations again." Demi said.

We said a quick goodbye before walking away, and Liz thanked me for getting her out of that situation. I only nodded in response as we crossed the dance floor, heading towards the area that we last left the boys. We finally found them, but before we could get to them we were stopped again.

This time by a man that I did not recognize. I wasn't sure if he was a celebrity, but he didn't seem to be. He looked like a lucky guy that was friends with someone who had an invite here. His eyes were on Liz and out of instinct, I grabbed her arm and pulled her back a bit to stand behind me. I couldn't help but be protective over her.

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