Chapter 28

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This boy is breaking my heart, I cannot stand another second of his story. Amanda was this beautiful innocent girl since the beginning. She never meant any harm towards anyone.

I hand Harry back the letter and he folds it into a square. He shoves it into a tin box in one of Amanda's drawers.

"Harry, I'm so sorry"

"What for?" He asks me. Harry snorts, wiping the wetness from tears off his face.

"Amanda.." I say.

"No, don't blame yourself on that, its my fault, i didn't tell you I just hid it from you."

We both let out a sigh.

Harry gets up at I watch him, wondering where he's going.

"Come!" He says, putting his hand out for me to grab.

I do as he demands and get up, following him through his house.

When we reach the kitchen, he reaches into a cabinet, pulling out a metal jar.

My Harry shoves his hand inside, pulling out a handful of change.

"Whats that for?" I ask him.

"Whats your favourite movie?" Harry asks me. He had a smile on his face and that makes me happy. He's a strong boy.

"Endless love!" I say.

"Whats wrong with girls and romance movies?" He sighs.

Harry tells me he'll be right back and leaves the house by the front door.

This boy I'm in love with is honestly the best. I could remember memories of us when we would laugh together and even our arguments. We always sounded crazy. Harry is the love of my life and I don't know what I would do without him.

My thoughts are interrupted by my ringing phone.


"Oh Jessy, thank god its you, I need you to stay where you are please, don't come home, I beg you. Please darling listen to me."

"Mom why? Whats going on is everything ok?"

I hear a manly voice in the background.

"Dad!" My brain clicks.

My mother hangs up the phone quickly and I jump from the chair. I run to grab my shoes and find myself in the streets, running. I think I remember how to get home... But I'm not really sure to be honest.
I know my mother asked for me not to come but if shes in trouble, I need to be there to help her. I finally find myself going through familiar streets. My white brick house is at the end of the street and I am exhausted but my feet keep going. The front door is partially left opened. I push it, trying to make the least noise possible. My feet tipi-toe through the house as I reach my stairs.

"Fûckkk!" My father shouts. I could tell hes very angry. I run upstairs and my father is standing in the doorway of my mothers room. She is far away from him and scared. Her shirt is slightly ripped on her shoulder.

"I don't have any money for you!" My mother yells at him.

My father moans and speeds into the room.

"DAD! STOP!" I shout at the top of my lungs. This man is an ugly man. He turns his face and looks deep in my eyes.

"We dont have any money for you! Now leave!"

He laughs at my words.

"There has to be some somewhere.." He looks around the room and goes through all the drawers, pulling out clothes and jewelry. He approaches my mother and places his hands on the collar of her shirt.

"Where is the money!" He asks one last time.

My mother stays silent with tears streaming down her face.

"James, you have to leave! NOW!" She tells him. He pushes her away and she falls hard onto the floor. He comes back to me.

"Where is it?" He whispers in my ear. I choke on my own words and nothing comes out.


I break my eye contact with him which makes him more angry. His hand shoots up in the air and slaps across my face. Cries fall from my mouth and he only pushes me out of the way.

"You guys were never helpful anyway." He says. He throws everything off the table including a lamp, books and jewelry. Everything is broken on the floor. My knees become weak and I sit in the corner of the room.

"You guys are cheap!"

He goes to my mother again, kneels down. My fathers fingers run through her hair and down her cheek.

"Let go of her!" I hear a manly voice say, and its not my father. Harry charges into the room.

"Oh, look what we have here..." James says. Harrys fist connects with his jaw. My father shoots one back at him but in his stomach which makes him cringe.

"You need to leave!" Harry shoves him out the door. James shakes his shoulder, trying to get Harrys arms off him. Harry reaches into his pocket pulling out a couple 20$ bills, shoving it into my fathers pocket.

"I'll be back, trust me." my father says. He leaves the house and jumps in his pick up truck, driving away. Harry runs over to me and grabs my body into his arms.

"Are you ok ma'am?" He asks my mother. My mother nods as she zips back up her sweater.

"I cant thank you enough!" My mother has tears dripping down her face.

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