Chapter 5

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Romance; is it even a real word nowadays? I don't know what love feels like, I've never been in love. I want Jessy, I want to have her for myself. I want to talk to her and explain that what Chelsea said wasn't what she thought... I never slept with Chelsea and honestly, I would never. I can't stand that girl. She's an attention freak, makes up way too many lies to make her look good. I just want her to understand that I didn't do anything with Chelsea and never would. I'm not sure why I want her to know this... I'm not attracted to her, its only a physical attraction to her body. I'm just not into that dating shït...

Relationships never work you always think it will and that you've met the right person but that never lasts long enough to make me believe in it. It's a waste of time in my opinion. Everyone falls out of love eventually. That's pretty much it... It isn't because I'm afraid of love, just afraid of a broken heart... I think?

I managed to get her number from our school receptionist today. She definelty wasn't allowed to give me it but I made up a whole story on how we have a project together and lost her number... She totally bought my crap and gave me her number.


H: Jessy? Its Harry from math

J: Ya?

H: Can I explain something to u?

J: Sure?

H: I didn't fuck Chels

J: ok why are u telling me this

H: I thought you'd care, I'm not like that

J: I don't care and neither do you lol do what you want


She was right...

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