Chapter 7 - Forming an Aliance

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Kelli's POV

After a while, I decided to get back up off of my lazy butt and look out the window. The rain subsided. The clock showed 11:00 am. Damn. That late in the day, but we kinda made plans with Delaney and the others.

"Are you ready?" Herobrine asked.

I nodded. "Let's head over to the arena. Delaney will meet us there. I just texted her."

"Great. I just hope this goes well. Let's hope for the best." We walked out the doors.

We walked past Delaney's house. She was actually leaving. She was with someone. It was a boy with brown hair, light skin, and green eyes. He wore an indigo shirt, jeans, and sneakers. He kept close to Delaney. It looked like they were dating.

"Hey guys." She said. "This is my boyfriend Jackson. Mind if he joins our alliance?"

"I don't mind at all." I replied.

"Great, because he had some issues with Entity 303 before you. He knows what to do. He's got our backs."

"You need us." Jackson said. "I'm glad to help you three."

"I'm so glad you could help us." I said. "I'm Kelli."

"I'm Jackson." He said. He held out his hand.

I shook it. "Really nice to meet you and welcome."

"Is there more people coming? Or do we need to find that out?"

"I don't know. So far, we have you, Delaney, Herobrine and me. Let's see who is meeting us there."

We walked past many houses and crossed a bridge leading up to another gravel road which led to the arena.

We arrived at the arena. We saw many people training. On our left, we saw people in the archery range. They were shooting their bows. I also saw a game of bow spleef on the other side of the iron door. On our right, we saw two people practicing in the combat arena. It was a girl with a diamond sword and a boy equipped with an iron sword. The girl got a glimpse of me and waved.

"Hold on." She said.

"Sure thing." a blonde boy replied. "Take your time."

The boy with her was blonde with brown eyes. He wore a black shirt with jeans and sneakers with blue laces.

"Kelli, hey." She said. "Remember me?"

"Yeah, Anya." I replied. "I followed your advice, but I didn't need to ask. I heard the truth right from him last night."

"That's why I want to join. I think the idea that Entity 303 has pisses me off and I'm glad we are doing something about it. He makes me sick to my stomach. He's always attacking and I'm the one saving everyone's asses when they should help me defend the town."


"Oh, this is Collin by the way. He helps me train."

The boy walked over.

"Hey, Kelli. I'm glad to be of help." He said.

"Thanks." I replied.

"Yea," Herobrine added. "The more the better."

We looked around the room. It was Delaney, Jackson, Anya, Collin, Herobrine, and me. It had to do for now. I just got here a few days ago and I've only met these people in a matter of those days.

"Is that everyone?" Herobrine asked.

"I think so." I said. "We'll just start with this for now. We won't have much time. We have two weeks until battle. And I've only been here a few days, so this will have to do until I miraculously gain popularity."

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