Chapter 20 - Did I Just Do That?

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Kelli's POV

My vision went black and back to clear as Herobrine and I were teleported over to the troops. Well, we were next to Anya. She looked to her right catching a glimpse of me while keeping her eyes away from the endermen.

"Hey." I said.

"Nice white eyes." She joked. "They suit you."

"Haha, very funny." I said sarcastically.

Then, we saw as the endermen were still walking around town. They were trying to get someone to look up and provoke it to attack. Herobrine and I were the only ones to look.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"We wait." Herobrine said. "Wait until they make the first move." We stayed quiet until we heard an arrogant yell.

It was most likely Rachel. "C'mon stupid freaking endermen. What are you waiting for, you stupid creatures?"

Then one went psycho.

"Now." Herobrine said as he and I looked up at the enderman.

It looked at us. It saw the glow of our white eyes as it was backing up. It looked scared. Keeping her eyes down, Anya gave me a spare sword to use.

She warned me. "They teleport at the sight of arrows."

"Thanks. Now, stay quiet. They can hear you."

Then, another enderman spotted her. He walked up to her and tried to look into her eyes. She held them shut. I walked up to it.

"Well, excuse me." I said to the enderman. "Can't you see she's my friend and she's not trying to hurt you?"

It seemed to understand me.

"Well, sorry." It said sarcastically. "I swear she looked at me."

"Look here. She's clearly not looking at you. So I will suggest something to you really quick. You either leave her alone, or you can be sorry and fight us."

He looked hesitant.

"I'm waiting, buddy. I can do this all day if I have to."

It drew back its hand to hit her.

"Too late." I said as I stabbed it.

It went up in smoke and all that was left was an ender pearl.

"Anyone else?" I called.

Next thing I knew, I had pissed them off. I looked into my reflection and my eyes were still white. I sighed of relief.

However, I just killed an enderman. They had a right to be mad.

"Be ready." Herobrine yelled.

I had the sword in my hand. I have never really handled a sword that well.

Three came towards us. One went to hit me, but I felt Herobrine's hand touch mine and we teleported behind the enderman. It hissed with anger and tried to hit me again. I swung the sword and sliced open its stomach.

It fell to its knees. "Don't kill me." It said in its scratchy voice.

"What did I say about hurting them?" I asked as I finished it. It died on the ground.

"Kelli, watch out." Herobrine said. I held my hand up and fell to the ground. Then, looking at the enderman, it was choking. I saw that my hand was glowing white.

"Am I doing this? What's going on?"

He nodded. "You are."

Herobrine was standing with his hands behind his back. A smile began to form on my face. I looked at all the endermen as my hand glowed white.

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